Aphelion Weekly Update February 20th, 2019 — DEX Updated, NEO DevCon 2019 and More

Aphelion DEX
2 min readFeb 20, 2019


Its been a busy few weeks since our last update as we worked hard to get the DEX contract updated and re-released as quickly as possible. We are excited that the DEX is back and faster, safer and stronger than ever before. Users who had NEO or GAS stuck in the old contract are seamlessly able to access those funds on the new contract. Users are also able to claim any committed APH from the old contract and re-commit to the new one and all other form and functionality of the wallet DEX is online.

NEO DevCon 2019

We are also happy to announce that our lead developer Jeff Solinsky had a very successful trip to Seattle for this great event and was able to network, speak and represent Aphelion in his dual role as Core NEO Dev and Lead Aphelion Developer. You can check out an interview with Jeff here talking about Aphelion and the future of NEO.

What's Next for Aphelion?

Priorities now are finalizing the API documentation for release, as well as, publishing a web view of the DEX that doesn't require a wallet or login. The community has been asking about these and we are excited to be releasing both shortly. API will come first and we expect that to wrap up in the next week or so, followed up by the web view DEX which is full speed ahead. We will also be adding a few additional trading pairs to the DEX very soon.

Cross Chain Update

We understand that mass adoption and sustainable growth for Aphelion will only come from cross chain integration and so it has always been our ultimate vision for the project. With that being said, we’ve recently audited the scoping and development against new technologies and solutions and in addition to the cross chain scope we’ve been working towards we are also looking into a smart contract solution to lock tokens on other chains and atomic swap transactions for representative tokens on those other chains. Utilizing a side-chain where all the trading happens might be a good supplement solution so if the main chain is crowded, and it won’t increase the costs of operating the exchange. For now that additional part is still under review but worth mentioning as we investigate it further.

As always we will continue to release updates on the developments as they come.

Thank you to the community and Aphelion supporters.

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