Aphelion Weekly Update June 21, 2019

Aphelion DEX
3 min readJun 21, 2019


It has been an incredible week at Aphelion; a perfect storm of the stars aligning and illuminating our path forward. But lets put it all in perspective. A few short weeks ago we announced we’d run out of funding and development had stalled. Not only had development stalled but we had been hit hard by the market collapse and the path forward seemed impossible. But in what felt like an instant, the market recovered, we found private funding, found new developers, tapped our old developers and got a call from a huge exchange that wanted to partner as a special agreement because in their words “there is a shortage of quality projects”.


I did not see all of those things happening in the same week. In addition, we’d been draining money the last several months covering maintenance, operations, vendors like Identity Mind, etc and the DEX lost all volume. Our future was cold and bleak.

But thats crypto! And here we are pushing ahead on several exciting fronts.

Lets get into it.

First, we have a new UI for the dashboard coming out early next month:

We’ll also introduce a new UI for the DEX at that time:

The fun doesn’t stop there.

We are concurrently developing several new milestones.

Starting with BTC, the groundbreaking Aphelion Wallet DEX will incorporate BTC wallet storage and all the features and functions that go with it. Please note this is not DEX integration yet, but it’s a huge step towards that.

We expect that release to come by August.

Bitcoin integration will be immediately followed by ERC20

We are also currently developing BIP39 to manage the multi-coin aspect of the wallet and logging in, and private keys/backups. We’ll release more details about the flow and how existing users will be impacted vs how new users will get started and the logic for importing, etc. I am so excited because we may very well be the first NEO based wallet to incorporate BTC and ERC which is huge. We’ve come a long way since being the second ICO on NEO nearly 2 years ago and we are so proud of our team and the products we’ve released.

That is a lot to come in a short period and we’ll leverage that momentum to roll straight into Atomic Swaps for cross-chain support in the DEX which we expect to happen later this year. It has been publicly stated that its already scoped and the integration of BTC and ERC into the wallet is a huge step in getting that cross-chain DEX development finished.

If that is not enough, we promised another major announcement.

The major exchange listing I referenced above is a done deal and we expect trading to be announced and open this month. The exchange will announce first and that could come at any day/hour.

It’s a big one and we are thrilled with the partnership. We had received multiple offers of listings from top 20 exchanges after we announced new funding and after Kucoin delisted so its actually worked out miraculously in our favor as we are much better suited to partner with this new exchange for several reason that will be made clear after the announcement. We paused integration with the other interested exchanges at this time in order to focus on our new partners exclusively but other exchanges are never off the table.

Lastly, with Earth Aphelion Earth Day coming up on July 4th, 2019, which also happens to be Aphelion’s 2 year anniversary, we’ll be launching new marketing and a big contest giveaway. So stay tuned for those details by next week.

A huge thank you to all our supporters, contributors, community, partners and believers. We promise to do all we can to fulfill on our mission and vision and finally bring blockchain to the people.

Have a great weekend and remember to follow the facts and code, not the FUD!

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