The bias in the selection of the college internships and scholarships

Ian Howard
2 min readJul 23, 2023


Bias can occur in the selection of college internships and scholarships in a number of ways, including:

  • Implicit bias: Implicit bias is unconscious bias that can affect our decision-making. For example, an implicit bias against women could lead to women being less likely to be selected for an internship or scholarship.
  • Stereotypes: Stereotypes are generalizations about a group of people. For example, a stereotype that Black students are not as academically qualified as White students could lead to Black students being less likely to be selected for an internship or scholarship.
  • Personal experiences: Our personal experiences can also shape our biases. For example, if a college counselor has had negative experiences with students from low-income backgrounds, they may be less likely to recommend those students for internships or scholarships.
  • Systemic bias: Systemic bias is bias that is embedded in the system. For example, if a company’s internship program is primarily designed for students from elite universities, then students from less prestigious universities will be at a disadvantage.

The effects of bias in the selection of college internships and scholarships can be significant. Students who are discriminated against because of their race, gender, socioeconomic status, or other factors may miss out on opportunities that could help them succeed in their careers.

There are a number of things that can be done to reduce bias in the selection of college internships and scholarships. These include:

  • Training: Training can help people to become aware of their own biases and to learn how to overcome them.
  • Standardized criteria: Using standardized criteria for selecting interns and scholarship recipients can help to reduce the influence of bias.
  • Blind reviewing: Blind reviewing is a process in which the names and other identifying information of applicants are concealed from the reviewers. This can help to reduce the influence of implicit bias.
  • Diversity: Having a diverse pool of applicants can help to ensure that all qualified students have an equal chance of being selected for an internship or scholarship.

By taking these steps, we can help to create a more fair and equitable system for selecting college interns and scholarship recipients.

In addition to the above, there are a number of other things that can be done to reduce bias in the selection of college internships and scholarships. These include:

  • Making the application process more transparent: This can help to ensure that all applicants have a fair understanding of the criteria that will be used to select them.
  • Providing feedback to applicants: This can help applicants to understand why they were not selected and to improve their chances of being selected in the future.
  • Creating a culture of inclusion: This can help to ensure that all students feel welcome and supported in the college internship and scholarship selection process.

By taking these steps, we can help to create a more equitable and inclusive system for selecting college interns and scholarship recipients.

