The Best Camera Is: iPhone SE

The One You Have With You

Ian Hanson
3 min readMar 12, 2022
That one time I turned into Rudolph in NYC. (classic Mirror/Camera selfie) ©Photo by Me

There is a saying, “The best camera…is the one you have with you.”

In “The Best Camera Is…” series, we peek at the best photos from the best camera…that I had with me.

From - fall 2017 to summer 2020, one of those cameras was the iPhone SE.

Now that I knew I could get new iPhones replaced yearly for free, I continued in the ecosystem. Phones were trending larger and larger, but my newfound minimalistic ideals told me to go smaller. Plus I was tired of bending phones in my pocket.

Enter, the iPhone SE.

Instead, the battery exploded.

Regardless, the camera worked well for always-on-you-in-your-pocket. Which is honestly the only reason I wanted a smartphone. With this model I really began committing to the panoramic mode, and using it more often as I stopped carrying around DSLR’s daily. I went through two models again and a few battery changes before it was time to upgrade to the SE2.

