A simple login/sign up platform using React + Auth0 with Heroku deployment (Part 3 of 3 — Deployment)

Ian Khor
dev <tech> tips & tricks
3 min readFeb 20, 2017

This is the last of a 3 part publication on how to setup a simple login/signup platform. Previously, we have setup the Auth0/Heroku environment and also dived into some React code. Now its time to deploy it to Heroku !

This is the home stretch. Do you smell victory ?

Assuming you have signed up to Heroku, now its time set it up on your terminal so you could deploy it live.

  1. In your favourite terminal (I use VS Code), go to your folder and in our case
cd your-app-name

2. We need to log in to heroku via your terminal, run the following :

heroku login
Log into heroku in your terminal

3. Setup heroku as one of the git remote. Remember we noted down Heroku’s Git URL in Step 12 of the heroku setup ? Run the following

git remote add heroku https://git.heroku.com/YOUR-HEROKU-GIT.git
git remote -v

4. Lastly .. the moment we all have been waiting for … DEPLOYMENT ! Finally run

git push heroku master

After running the above, you should see heroku building/installing the app and you can access your app at the end of the log.

And now its time for celebrations and give yourself a pat on the back for reaching this point !

The completed example can be found here.

And if you need the source code, go to my github here to check it out.

Note that there are rate limits on the auth0 API calls and if you log in too many times when testing, chances are you have exceed that limit.

If you run into issues in any of the steps, it is a good exercise to try to debug it on your own. I have an publication that suggests a couple of ways to problem solve issues here which may help.

Hope this little write up would enable you to move forward in creating your amazing apps !

And till next time … Keep hacking !



Ian Khor
dev <tech> tips & tricks

Web app developer, electronics engineer, business analyst & designer at heart. Concept, design, build and commercial acumen.