3 most common home security mistakes that you should avoid

Ian Mathews
3 min readMar 11, 2017


Getting burglarized is one of the most terrifying experiences a homeowner can ever have. If it happens when you are not in home, you will get the valuables damaged. On the flip, if you are present at home at the time of burglary, your life too can be at risk. A study on the recent cases of burglaries indicates that most of these incidents occur due to some common mistakes by homeowners. Yes, you read it right. Often the owners, using home security systems in Chicago, do not employ the standard practices and make their home vulnerable to security risks. To eliminate the security risks, make sure that you are avoiding the following mistakes.

Using poor quality door and window sensors: When installing the security system, homeowners invest on quality security cameras and recording systems. As per the security experts, equipping your home with high quality sensors in possible entrances is also important. If the sensors cannot detect any unusual activity surrounding your house, other devices will not let you to take necessary actions on time. Thus, installing sensors at the main entrances like doors and windows is a smart move. No security system completes without basic glass break sensors as well as the motion sensors. However, the basic motion sensors have one major disadvantage. These sensors cannot differentiate the movements of small creatures from those of human beings. Thus, if you have pets at home, then presence of these alarms can increase the chances of false alarms. For avoiding such problems the experts of home security in Chicago, bring pet sensitive sensors at home. Unlike basic items these sensors, recognize movements of intruders and notify you accordingly.

Relying on dummy cameras only: It’s true that a visible camera can deter burglars to great extent. However, the professionals consider that relying too much on these dummy cameras cannot be effective to prevent burglary at home. Installing at least few cameras in visible locations is always a smart move. Along with these systems, you can have some hidden high quality cameras too. Not only intruders, the available systems for home security in Chicago can monitor activities of kids, aged persons and other service providers too.

When you are installing security cameras at visible position, make sure you are vandal proof. These cameras often come with special housings which provide extra protection to the circuits inside.

Using enough motion sensor lights: The darkest corners of your house can be used by intruders to hide themselves. Thus, the experts suggest users of home security systems to integrate lights with motion sensors. When the sensors associated with these lights detect any movement, area a gets illuminated. It reduces the risk of intrusion at your house significantly. There is another benefit of using lights with motion sensors. For example, if you are not at home and someone is trying to enter, lights will be on. It gives an appearance that the house is occupied.

The professionals dealing with home security systems in Chicago also suggest users to not to ignore the areas like yard and garages to eliminate security risks.



Ian Mathews

Blogger, Traveler, Guitarist and amateur Singer by passion. Here, I have come to explore various blogs on my topics of interest and want to share security info.