What Price Glory? (Part 2): Announcing Cantos Ventures

2 min readJun 13, 2016


I’ve been waiting to share something with you…

We all have passions, callings, obsessions, call them what you will, but they often lay dormant. That dormancy can be a good thing — it allows us to cultivate, refine, strategize, gain clarity — but at times it’s driven by fear, and by those who would tell you it’s impossible, that you should wait. That you should play it safe. And for four years I listened… but I also quietly laid the groundwork, building relationships, making small investments, and helping entrepreneurs and investors alike. While I waited.

Then one day something — an experience, a conversation — wakes the dormant thing and you find yourself face to face with a question: “Could it be now?” You stretch the wings you’ve yet to use and look over the ledge. You think “This is crazy, right?” And before you know it a new chapter has begun.

That’s the thing about entrepreneurship and the financing thereof — it’s a dance with risk, staring uncertainty eye to eye and taking the measure of it, asking yourself “What price glory?” Mitigate the risks you can but embrace those you can’t and act with conviction regardless. It’s like a story, the epic poems and science fiction novels that so enrapture many of us in the world of technology.

And so I share with you my next chapter, that I have launched a modest ‘pre-Seed’ and Seed-stage venture capital fund dedicated to the entrepreneurs who are my heroes, those on journeys with noble aims, who are obsessed with solving meaningful problems faced by individuals, societies, economies, and our environment.

This fund is named for them, for the ‘cantos’ that will tell their stories and the stories of those whose lives they impact. This fund is for those entrepreneurs I’ve had the pleasure of working with and for those I have yet to meet. You inspire me. I can’t wait to be part of your tale.





Views best described as cosmopolitan-to-extropian. Professional fanboy of world-positive tech @ Cantos Ventures 🛰🧬💹