aurOps: Operating on DevOps Technologies Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment

3 min readJan 27, 2020


DevOps Technologies as a Platform

Low Code No Code is the future of the custom software solution development industry. Developers at iauro identified that code reusability and automation are two important steps in this direction. This gave birth to iauro’s very own DevOps Technologies based platform called aurOps. The motivation behind building aurOps was to match the constantly accelerating speed of software development and its solution deliveries. While DevOps as an automation strategy is very effective, aurOps provides a concrete environment to implement it. It was built to serve the purpose of delivering robust solutions in the least time possible. This article will talk about a DevOps Technologies feature, offered by aurOps, that fuels this determination. We are talking about — Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment

Enabling Continuous Growth

Continuous Integration

aurOps Continuous Integration is the feature streamlining the integration of codes developed by multiple developers, while simultaneously maintaining a stable system state. CI secures the overall application from any conflicts while the updated codes are continuously merged. Its goal is to enable the developers to merge their changes in the system as frequently as possible. Here are some points that aurOps Continuous Integration takes care of:

  • Seamless integrating and updating of the code repository at a scalable frequency
  • Each developer can have the latest code to avoid conflicts
  • Requirement Traceability Matrix
  • Complete Transparency
  • Automated CI pipeline to make sure code is ready for delivery
  • Theoretically, Continuous Integration ensures that the application maintains its state, irrespective of the frequency of changes.

Continuous Delivery

It is the next step to Continuous Integration. aurOps Continuous Delivery is responsible for keeping the deliveries going at a steady rate while also ensuring its sustainability. Even if the team chooses not to deliver the updates as of now, Continuous Delivery ensures that the deliverables are still ready to go. Here are some salient Continuous Delivery offerings by aurOps:

  • It is Agile encouraging. It ensures that the risks at release are at the minimum if not zero.
  • Ensures that unwanted resource exhaustion is curbed to the max
  • Room for better user research and exploratory testing to improve application quality

Continuous Deployment

While Continuous Delivery has the resultant software ready for production, it’s Continuous Deployment that actually deploys these results into the final production environment. This means that as soon as the changes are integrated in the repository, they will be deployed to the end-user. Just like Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment has to be scalable with the frequency of changing and merging of the code. In fact, the daily count for releases pushed can go up till hundreds or even thousands. Continuous Deployment needs to guarantee that the code is tested, deployed and also failed-fast (immediately rolled-back) if anything goes south. Here are some additional benefits of Continuous Deployment:

  • Quicker release to the end user improves the overall productivity of the enterprise with respect to the product. Therefore, CI and CD go great together
  • Accelerated feedback from the customer releases the pressure off the developers


The aurOps Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment features enhance the productivity of the system development life cycle. They power uninterrupted delivery of quality solutions while also improving the development and operation processes with each release. A platform enabling DevOps automation is a tool that enterprises cannot do without at this hour. It essentially is an assembly line with maximized potential. aurOps platform adds another layer of efficiency to the solutions and services offered by the platform. It enhances the speed of delivery and the quality of the deliverables. In all fairness, aurOps is an enabler for innovation and an optimizer for maintenance.




iauro Systems is a knowledge-centric digital transformations firm with expertise in innovation and implementation of Design Thinking, Microservices and DevOps.