3 min readApr 27, 2016

Beyond Things: The Internet of Everything

Internet growth has been occurring in accelerating waves from fixed computing, mobility to Internet of Things and now to Internet of Everything (IoE). It sums up to networked connection of people, processes, data and things.

Making it essential to adopt a Strategic Approach from Connectivity to Connectedness, Internet of Everything (IoE) builds on the foundation of Internet of Things (IoT) by adding more network intelligence security that allows transformation, orchestration and visibility over previously disparate systems. Smart watches, smart appliances and that whatever ends with the word “Smart” becomes tied to the internet and interconnect to ecosystems of devices, softwares and services.

From retail to telecommunications to banking and financial services, IoE has a major role in all industries.

What are the demands of IoE?

In order to be implemented correctly and maximize business potential, IoE does put across a few demands. Decisions must be made from both technology and enterprise side.

Here are the four dimensions


The ways we connect to people have changed in the past decades. From desktop computers to a variety of mobile devices used today, the journey so far is nothing compared to the wave of transformation we are now entering into. Mobility, wearable technology, etc. are radically changing the way we consume and share technology. Self-monitoring devices such as Fitbit and Garmin Vivofit enables us to track exercise, monitor heart rates and even monitor the quality of our sleep. We’ve only begun to scratch the surface of how wearable technology will change our lives. Soon expectant mothers will wear “smart tattoos” to monitor the health and activity of their babies, and send their doctor an early alert when labour begins.


Since internet has revolutionized how businesses manage their supply chain and shop, ways of making these processes faster, simpler, and more efficient has arrived. Let’s take an example of cameras and sensors in the parking lot that count the number of cars and the number of people coming to the store. The system cleverly predicts the store traffic patterns and slow times. While the customer is happy to avoid long check-out lines, there is more productivity and optimization of processes for the better.


The world is crammed in Data and the volume is increasing exponentially. Every upgrade is a marvellous one, echoing a boom to humans in every field. For example the move from HD to even richer video (4k displays). These new types of devices have started creating even more information. For example sensors are now in your house to avail the temperature that matches with your body.


Today around 40% of the world population is connected to the internet. The number will grow rapidly in the coming years. While smart buildings will manage themselves better, entering smarter cities. Soon even cows and fields they graze in will be connected to help farmers, to help them know when to irrigate, when to fertilize and all the activities contributing to improving yield and reducing waste.

It is in the intersection of all these elements that the true power of IoE is realized.

Cars will drive themselves in the future…


iauro Systems is a knowledge-centric digital transformations firm with expertise in innovation and implementation of Design Thinking, Microservices and DevOps.