How Much Does It Cost to Build the Best App to Find Freelance Work Site?

Ibda 3x
4 min readMar 29, 2023

In the current era, technological advancement has opened various opportunities to explore various job roles for boosting your career growth. So, you are no longer confined to the boundaries of your local area to find the leading organizations to work with. So, you can connect with the best app to find freelance work online that suits your specific needs and requirements.

best app to find freelance work

So, if you want to bridge the gap between budding freelancers and leading organizations, the cost can be a key consideration. You can ease your worries with this easy guide!

Let’s dive deep into how much the cost to build the best app to find freelance work sites:

Option 1: Start it by Yourself- from $ 60

The most cost-effective way to operate an online freelancing company like Upwork is to create it independently. You can build a freelancing website without basic coding knowledge or website designing skills., You can simply select a content management system (CRM) and a suitable theme for building a freelance platform. These templates are both premium (with restricted functionality) and free. WordPress functions with the largest ecosystem, including a market share of 53% and the Internet of more than 30%.

company like Upwork

In the case of plugins (extensions), you can probably locate anything you require within this ecosystem because more than 50,000 of them are created specifically for WordPress. So, you can easily avoid paying a siding contractor to create and integrate the desired function. However, if you want to use top-notch plugins, you need to invest your funds in them.

Option 2: Connecting with a Freelancer- from $ 1000

Hiring a skilled freelancer is the next option to build the best app to find freelance work online. This option is the right fit for individuals with a limited budget who don’t want to spend much time learning about development’s fine details. You can research some popular online freelance websites to find and hire a web developer.

Depending on the job description and the location of employment, these specialists’ average hourly pay ranges from $10 to $100. A typical website built using WordPress templates usually takes between 15 and 30 hours to complete. So, the cost of creating a website similar to Upwork can vary from $150 to $3000.

Option 3: Partnering with an Agency- from $ 10,000

When dealing with an outsourcing firm, you can communicate with several partners involved in the key development processes, such as branding, design, and development. As a result, building a site requires more time and resources, which increases the cost. The return on the outcome will undoubtedly be substantially larger.

Where a precise sum is concerned, hourly fees for specialists can vary depending on the agency, from $ 100 for entry-level staff, like copywriters to $ 500 for top specialists, like a project managers. Moreover, the estimated cost of developing an online freelance platform to find new clients online can range from $10,000 to $50,000.

Add-On Costs and Maintenance

If you want to make your best app to find freelance work online a huge success, you need to invest your resources in key areas, that essentially include marketing. So, based on your capabilities and skills, you can spend a considerable amount on content writing and search engine optimization (SEO), visual design, and foresight.

Best app to find freelance work

Wrap Up-

This quick and easy guide can help you in the hassle-free building of a freelance app that fits into your budget and requirements. Even though each option has it's own up and downsides, you should carefully assess your needs before choosing a viable option.

IBDA 3X is one of the most renowned online freelance platforms to sign up as a freelancer or client to perform specialized job roles based on specific skill sets. So, attract the right talent for your organization and enhance your business productivity with!



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