DEEP DIVE: YungSweetRo, Travis Scott & Kylie Jenner

40 min readDec 30, 2021

Hi friends!!!

i PROMISED y’all another deep dive over the holiday break and I came to deliver!

Now this entire saga is something I followed OBSESSIVELY because the amount of evidence was jarring.. to say the least. I’d like to preface this with a few things. I’m sure you’ve heard bits and pieces of this if you followed the KarJenner clan at all back in 2019. This is my attempt at getting EVERYTHING, everything that happened, everything that I have proof of and that the internet can back me up for, all in one place.

NOTE: This isn’t like my last deep dive. This isnt going to have a ton of articles to link back to and tons of different sources and cited evidence. This is about a girl who, up until 2019, was very lowkey and discreet with her activities. A LOT of this deep dive is going to be me theorizing on what happened paired with dated screenshots and photograph evidence pulled from each person’s (kylie, travis, ro) IG account or IG stories. ALSO. This doesnt get super juicy until around 2018. But i’m committed to giving you the full backstory so if you’re just interested in when Kylie becomes involved and shit starts REALLY going down, wait for me to get to 2017/2018.

WITH ALL OF THAT BEING SAID, if you already have your mind made up about this situation and you don’t care to…




ig: celebdeepdives ☺️ 26. marketing in corporate america. sometimes i do celebrity deep dives with sources & dated timelines. MORE DIVES: