I Better Start Writing This Down, Ep. 31: I’m Going Back For Your Mother (The ‘Live at Night Train’ Edition)

Joe Stracci
2 min readSep 13, 2022


I’m Joe Stracci, and I better start writing this down.

Episode 31: I’m Going Back For Your Mother (The ‘Live at Night Train’ Edition)

On May 25th, 2015, I published Episode 9 of I Better Start Writing This Down, entitled “I’m Going Back For Your Mother.” In it, I told a story about getting stuck in the snow with a 10-month-old and my 12-weeks-pregnant wife, on the road that led to our home in the woods of Connecticut.

On March 26th, 2022, seven years later, I took part in a night of live storytelling, called Night Train, at the Philipstown Depot Theatre. At Night Train, I told a revamped, re-thought, re-engineered version of “I’m Going Back For Your Mother.” Adapted for the stage, if you will.

My wife, thoughtful woman that she is, took a video of the fourteen minute performance. What you’ll listen to in a minute is that performance. It’s not the best recording; it’s just extracted audio that I attempted to clean up a bit. Despite my best efforts, quite present in the mix is Luna and Danielle’s laughter. Fitting, I suppose.

I hope you enjoyed Season 3. I enjoyed making it. Here is where I will offer the Podcaster’s Prayer — if you enjoyed Season 3, please tell at least 3 friends about it. The more people who hear the show and enjoy it, and maybe even review it on iTunes, will increase the chances of me being able to make more.

For now, please enjoy this bonus episode of I Better Start Writing This Down.

It’s something old, made new.


For more information about I Better Start Writing This Down, visit ibetterstart.net.

For more information about the Philipstown Depot Theatre, and to find out about the next installment of Night Train, visit philipstowndepottheatre.org. That’s one ‘l,’ and ‘theatre’ spelled the British way.

I Better Start Writing This Down is indeed going back for your mother. If you can find us on social media (but never Facebook), ibetterstart should be our username. That’s it.

Hopefully, you wrote it down.



Joe Stracci

As for me, my usual guise. The masquerade continues.