Wix Vs Squarespace: Comparing Their Approach to E-Commerce

3 min readJul 10, 2024


When evaluating Wix and Squarespace for your e-commerce needs, you’ll find distinct approaches. Wix offers a more robust suite of built-in e-commerce tools, from inventory management to order fulfillment. However, Squarespace emphasizes a streamlined, native experience. Regarding design, Wix provides more customization options, while Squarespace has more intuitive tools. As for payment processing, Wix integrates with a wider range of gateways, while Squarespace focuses on its own solutions. Finally, Wix offers more extensive customer support, with dedicated account managers and a substantial knowledge base. Depending on your specific requirements and technical expertise, one platform may be a better fit than the other.

#1 Website Builder: Wix 🏆


E-Commerce Capabilities Comparison

When it comes to e-commerce capabilities, Wix and Squarespace offer a range of features to facilitate online selling, though the depth and flexibility of their respective offerings may vary.

Both platforms provide built-in shopping carts, payment processing, inventory management, and order fulfillment tools.

However, Wix may offer more customization options for advanced e-commerce needs.

Design and Customization Flexibility

Both Wix and Squarespace offer a variety of design templates and customization options to help users create visually appealing e-commerce websites, though the level of flexibility may differ between the two platforms.

Wix provides more freedom to customize individual page elements, while Squarespace’s design tools are more intuitive but offer less granular control.

The choice depends on your design expertise and preferences.

Payment Processing and Integrations

Another key consideration when choosing between Wix and Squarespace for your e-commerce platform is their approach to payment processing and integrations.

You’ll want to thoroughly assess the payment gateway options, transaction fees, and third-party integrations offered by each platform to guarantee they align with your business needs.

Wix provides more payment processors and supports a wider range of integrations, while Squarespace has a more streamlined approach focused on its native tools.

#1 Website Builder: Wix 🏆

Customer Support and Resources

Customer support and the availability of resources can greatly influence your experience with an e-commerce platform. Wix and Squarespace employ markedly distinct approaches in this area.

Wix offers:

  1. 24/7 live chat and email support.
  2. An extensive knowledge base and community forum.
  3. Dedicated account managers for premium subscribers.

In contrast, Squarespace prioritizes self-help resources, with less emphasis on direct customer support.

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