The Strange Fruit they call DEAD MAN’S FINGER

Jason Bowers
4 min readOct 22, 2023


Dead Man's Fingers or Blue Sausage Fruit


In the world of exotic fruits, this one stands out for its peculiar appearance and mysterious names. The names it’s know by are the Blue Bean or Blue Pea, Blue Sausage Fruit, and perhaps most mysterious, Dead Man’s Finger. This odd looking fruit has captivated the imaginations of many, and its origins and health benefits make it even more intriguing. In the 8th episode of my Introduction to Superfruits series, I’m going to take you into the depths of this strange fruit and explore everything you need to know about it.


Dead Man’s Finger, scientifically known as Decaryiella olivieri, is native to the island of Madagascar. This tropical fruit gets its unique name due to its uncanny resemblance to a finger, with a long and pointed shape, often with grooves resembling fingerprints.

Dead Man’s Finger/Blue Sausage Fruit

Health Benefits and Nutritional Values

While Dead Man’s Finger may not be widely known, it is a treasure trove of nutritional goodness. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, this fruit offers numerous health benefits. Here are some key nutrients found in Dead Man’s Finger:

Vitamin C: Boosts the immune system and promotes collagen production for healthy skin.
Vitamin A: Supports eye health and proper functioning of vital organs.
Fiber: Aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight.
Potassium: Regulates blood pressure and promotes heart health.

How it grows

Dead Man’s Finger thrives in warm and humid climates, making it ideal for cultivation in tropical regions. The fruit grows in clusters, usually ripening during the summer and fall months. Its unique appearance makes it easy to spot among the lush foliage, adding an element of intrigue to the landscape.

Where it’s cultivated

While Dead Man’s Finger is native to Madagascar, it is also cultivated in other tropical regions around the world. Countries such as Brazil, Thailand, and the Caribbean are known for their cultivation of this peculiar fruit. The fertile soil and favorable climate in these regions provide the ideal conditions for its growth.

Where to purchase it in the United States and how much it costs

Although Dead Man’s Finger is not as widely available as some other tropical fruits, it is gaining popularity in the United States. Specialty grocery stores and exotic fruit markets are your best bet for finding it. Additionally, online retailers that specialize in rare and exotic fruits often offer Dead Man’s Finger for purchase.
Pricing can vary depending on availability and location. On average, you can expect to pay around $5-$10 per fruit, making it a luxurious treat for those seeking a unique culinary experience.

What it tastes like

The taste of Dead Man’s Finger has a sweet and slightly tangy flavor, reminiscent of a mix between a pineapple and a mango. Its juicy texture adds an enjoyable element to the overall taste experience.

Recipe containing Dead Man’s Finger

If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on some Dead Man’s Finger, here’s a recipe that showcases its unique flavor:

Dead Man’s Finger Tropical Salad


1 ripe Dead Man's Finger fruit
1 mango, peeled and diced
1 cup pineapple chunks
1 kiwi, sliced
½ cup shredded coconut
Juice of 1 lime


Peel and slice the Dead Man's Finger fruit into thin rounds.
In a large bowl, combine the Dead Man's Finger rounds, diced mango, pineapple chunks, and sliced kiwi.
Sprinkle the shredded coconut over the fruit mixture.
Squeeze the lime juice over the salad and gently toss to combine.
Let the flavors meld together for 15 minutes before serving.
This refreshing and tropical salad is sure to impress with its unique blend of flavors.

In conclusion

Dead Man’s Finger is a fascinating fruit with its unusual appearance and intriguing name. From its origins in Madagascar to its sought-after health benefits, this fruit offers a tantalizing experience for adventurous food enthusiasts. So, if you come across this peculiar fruit, embrace your curiosity and indulge in its exotic taste. You won’t be disappointed!

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Jason Bowers

Niche? Nah, I’m an kaleidescope. Former counselor (CADC) with too much on my mind to commit to one subject. I explore everything from Psychotherapy to Poitics.