30–60–90 Day Plan Outline

Altair Ahaad
3 min readJun 29, 2024


Day 30: Short-term Goals

Introduction and Orientation

  • Company Overview: Understand the company’s mission, values, and organizational structure.
  • Team Introduction: Meet key team members to learn about their roles and contributions.

Understanding Responsibilities

  • Job Role Clarification: Review your job description and discuss expectations with your manager.
  • Initial Tasks: Identify and prioritize tasks to be completed within the first 30 days.

Learning and Training

  • Onboarding Sessions: Complete required onboarding sessions to familiarize yourself with company policies, procedures, and systems.
  • Tool Proficiency: Gain proficiency in essential tools and software necessary for daily tasks.

Setting Initial Objectives

  • Goal Setting: Define SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals for the first 30 days.
  • Manager Alignment: Discuss these goals with your manager to ensure alignment with departmental objectives.

Day 60: Mid-term Goals

Building Relationships

  • Team Collaboration: Actively participate in team meetings and contribute to ongoing projects.
  • Networking: Expand your professional network within the company by building relationships with colleagues from other departments.

Enhancing Skills

  • Advanced Training: Attend advanced training sessions or workshops to develop specialized skills related to your role.
  • Skill Development: Identify areas for improvement and take proactive steps to enhance skills relevant to your position.

Achieving Milestones

  • Project Management: Successfully manage and meet deadlines for assigned projects.
  • Progress Evaluation: Evaluate progress on initial goals and make necessary adjustments to strategies or timelines.

Preparing for Leadership

  • Additional Responsibilities: Take on additional responsibilities or leadership roles within projects or initiatives.
  • Shadowing Opportunities: Shadow senior team members or managers to gain insights into leadership roles and responsibilities.

Day 90: Long-term Goals

Demonstrating Success

  • Achievement Presentation: Present your achievements and contributions to stakeholders, highlighting measurable outcomes.
  • Feedback Incorporation: Receive feedback from your manager and peers to improve performance and processes.

Planning for Future Projects

  • Long-term Goals: Discuss long-term career goals with your manager and align them with company objectives.
  • Professional Growth: Identify opportunities for personal and professional growth within the company.

Contributing to Strategy

  • Departmental Goals: Provide insights and suggestions for departmental goals and strategies based on your experience and observations.
  • Initiatives Proposal: Propose new initiatives or improvements to existing processes based on your understanding of the company’s operations.

Finalizing the 90-Day Plan

  • Review and Reflection: Reflect on accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned during the first 90 days.
  • Next Phase Goals: Outline goals and action plans for the next phase of your career development within the company.

Content Outline Strategy

  1. Research Top Articles: Search reputable sources for 30–60–90 day plan templates and articles.
  2. Identify Key Topics: Compile main topics such as goal setting, learning objectives, skill development, and performance evaluation.
  3. Create Sections: Divide the outline into sections covering each phase (30, 60, 90 days) with detailed subtopics.
  4. Fill in Details: Expand each section with specific details relevant to your role and organizational context.
  5. Review and Adjust: Ensure the content is comprehensive and tailored to your specific needs and goals.

This outline and content strategy should help you create a robust 30–60–90 day plan that covers all essential topics without any content gaps. If you need further customization or have specific questions, feel free to ask!

