Chrome Extension For Youtube Adblock

ibrahim ardhika
11 min readOct 18, 2023


Chrome Extension For Youtube Adblock

Chrome Extension For Youtube Adblock

What is a Chrome extension?

A Chrome extension is a small software program that adds new features and functionality to the Chrome web browser. Extensions can be used to block ads, change the appearance of websites, add new tools and features, and more.

How to install Chrome extensions

To install a Chrome extension, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Search for the extension you want to install.
  3. Click the Add to Chrome button.
  4. Click the Add extension button to confirm the installation.

Once the extension is installed, you can manage it from the Extensions page in the Chrome settings.

Best Chrome extensions for YouTube adblock

Here are some of the best Chrome extensions for YouTube adblock:

  • AdBlock Plus
  • uBlock Origin
  • AdGuard AdBlocker
  • Poper Blocker: Pop up blocker for Chrome

These extensions are all free and easy to use. They work by blocking the code that loads ads on YouTube, so you can watch videos without any interruptions.

How to troubleshoot Chrome extensions

If you are having problems with a Chrome extension, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Disable the extension and see if the problem persists. If the problem goes away when you disable the extension, then the extension is the likely cause.
  • Update the extension. Extensions are frequently updated to fix bugs and add new features.
  • Reinstall the extension. If you are still having problems, try reinstalling the extension.
  • Contact the extension developer. If you have tried all of the above steps and are still having problems, you can contact the extension developer for help.

I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any other questions about Chrome extensions, please feel free to ask.

What is YouTube adblock?

YouTube adblock is a software that prevents ads from being displayed on YouTube. It can be installed as a browser extension or as a standalone application. YouTube adblock works by filtering out the code that is responsible for displaying ads. This can be done by using a variety of methods, such as blacklisting known ad servers, blocking pop-ups, and filtering out ads based on their content.

Why use YouTube adblock?

There are several reasons why people might choose to use YouTube adblock. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • To improve the viewing experience. Ads can be disruptive and annoying, especially when they are played before, during, or after a video. YouTube adblock can help to improve the viewing experience by removing these ads.
  • To save time. Ads can waste a lot of time, especially when they are long or play multiple times in a row. YouTube adblock can help to save time by skipping these ads.
  • To protect privacy. Some ads track users’ browsing activity and collect personal data. YouTube adblock can help to protect privacy by blocking these ads.

Types of YouTube adblock

There are two main types of YouTube adblock: browser extensions and standalone applications.

  • Browser extensions are the most common type of YouTube adblock. They are easy to install and use, and they work with most popular web browsers.
  • Standalone applications are less common, but they can offer more features and flexibility than browser extensions. For example, some standalone applications can block ads on other websites besides YouTube.

How to choose the right YouTube adblock extension

When choosing a YouTube adblock extension, there are a few factors to consider:

  • Compatibility. Make sure that the extension is compatible with your web browser.
  • Features. Some extensions offer more features than others, such as the ability to block specific types of ads or to whitelist certain websites.
  • Performance. Some extensions can slow down your web browser, so it is important to choose an extension that is lightweight and does not have a significant impact on performance.

Here are a few of the most popular YouTube adblock extensions:

  • AdBlock Plus
  • uBlock Origin
  • AdGuard AdBlocker
  • Poper Blocker: Pop up blocker for Chrome

These extensions are all compatible with most popular web browsers and offer a variety of features. They are also all relatively lightweight and do not have a significant impact on performance.

Once you have chosen a YouTube adblock extension, you can install it and start blocking ads on YouTube. Most extensions are very easy to install and use, and they will start working automatically once they are installed.

Specific Chrome Extensions for YouTube Adblock

There are many different Chrome extensions available for blocking YouTube ads. However, some of the most popular and effective extensions include:

AdBlock Plus

AdBlock Plus is one of the most popular ad blockers available, with over 100 million active users. It is a free extension that blocks a wide variety of ads, including video ads, image ads, and pop-ups. AdBlock Plus is also very easy to use, and it offers a variety of customization options.

uBlock Origin

uBlock Origin is another popular ad blocker that is known for its efficiency and effectiveness. It is a free and open-source extension that blocks a wide variety of ads, including video ads, image ads, and pop-ups. uBlock Origin is also very lightweight and does not slow down your browser.

AdGuard AdBlocker

AdGuard AdBlocker is a free and open-source ad blocker that blocks a wide variety of ads, including video ads, image ads, and pop-ups. AdGuard AdBlocker is also known for its ability to block malware and tracking scripts.

Poper Blocker: Pop up blocker for Chrome

Poper Blocker is a free and simple extension that blocks pop-ups. It is a good option for users who are looking for a lightweight ad blocker that is focused on blocking pop-ups.

Which Extension Should You Choose?

All of the extensions listed above are effective at blocking YouTube ads. However, there are a few things to consider when choosing an extension:

  • Features: Some extensions offer more features than others. For example, AdBlock Plus offers a variety of customization options, while uBlock Origin is known for its efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Ease of use: Some extensions are easier to use than others. For example, AdBlock Plus is very easy to use, while uBlock Origin requires a bit more technical knowledge.
  • Performance: Some extensions can slow down your browser, while others are very lightweight. For example, uBlock Origin is very lightweight, while AdBlock Plus can slow down your browser on older computers.

How to Install a Chrome Extension

To install a Chrome extension:

  1. Go to the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Search for the extension you want to install.
  3. Click on the extension to open its page.
  4. Click on the “Add to Chrome” button.
  5. Click on the “Add extension” button to confirm the installation.

How to Use a Chrome Extension to Block YouTube Ads

Once you have installed a Chrome extension to block YouTube ads, you can start using it immediately. Most extensions will block ads automatically, but some extensions may require you to enable them manually.

To enable a Chrome extension to block YouTube ads:

  1. Open Chrome and click on the three dots in the top right corner of the browser window.
  2. Select “More tools” and then select “Extensions”.
  3. Find the extension you want to enable and click on the toggle switch next to it to turn it on.

Once you have enabled the extension, it will start blocking YouTube ads automatically. You can then enjoy watching YouTube videos without any interruptions.

AdBlock Plus vs. uBlock Origin

AdBlock Plus and uBlock Origin are two of the most popular ad blockers available for Chrome. Both extensions are effective at blocking a wide variety of ads, but they have some key differences.


AdBlock Plus is a more feature-rich extension than uBlock Origin. It includes features such as whitelisting, custom filtering, and the ability to block social media buttons and trackers. uBlock Origin is a more lightweight extension, and it focuses on blocking ads and tracking cookies.


uBlock Origin is generally considered to be the faster and more efficient ad blocker. It uses fewer system resources than AdBlock Plus, and it can load pages more quickly.


AdBlock Plus has been criticized for its privacy practices. The company has been accused of selling user data to advertisers, and it has a history of accepting payments from companies to whitelist their ads. uBlock Origin is an open-source extension, and it does not collect any user data.


uBlock Origin is the better ad blocker for most users. It is faster, more efficient, and more privacy-friendly than AdBlock Plus. However, AdBlock Plus may be a better choice for users who need the additional features that it offers.

AdBlock Plus vs. AdGuard AdBlocker

AdBlock Plus and AdGuard AdBlocker are both effective ad blockers, but they have some key differences.


AdGuard AdBlocker is a more feature-rich extension than AdBlock Plus. It includes features such as built-in anti-phishing and anti-malware protection, as well as the ability to block trackers and social media buttons. AdBlock Plus also includes these features, but they are not enabled by default.


AdBlock Plus and AdGuard AdBlocker are both fast and efficient ad blockers. However, AdGuard AdBlocker may use slightly more system resources than AdBlock Plus.


AdGuard AdBlocker is a closed-source extension, and it is not clear how the company uses user data. AdBlock Plus is also a closed-source extension, but it has a more transparent privacy policy.


AdGuard AdBlocker is a better choice for users who need all of the bells and whistles. It offers more features than AdBlock Plus, including built-in anti-phishing and anti-malware protection. However, AdBlock Plus is a better choice for users who are concerned about privacy.

Poper Blocker: Pop up blocker for Chrome vs. uBlock Origin

Poper Blocker is a dedicated pop-up blocker for Chrome. uBlock Origin is a general-purpose ad blocker that can also block pop-ups.


Poper Blocker is more focused on blocking pop-ups than uBlock Origin. It includes features such as the ability to block pop-ups from opening in new tabs and the ability to block pop-ups from specific websites. uBlock Origin can also block pop-ups, but it does not have the same level of customization options.


Poper Blocker is a very lightweight extension, and it uses very few system resources. uBlock Origin is also a lightweight extension, but it may use slightly more system resources than Poper Blocker.


Poper Blocker is a closed-source extension, and it is not clear how the company uses user data. uBlock Origin is an open-source extension, and it does not collect any user data.


Poper Blocker is a good choice for users who are looking for a dedicated pop-up blocker. It is lightweight, effective, and easy to use. uBlock Origin is a good choice for users who want a general-purpose ad blocker that can also block pop-ups.

How to block YouTube ads on desktop

There are several ways to block YouTube ads on desktop, but the most common is to use an ad blocker extension. Ad blocker extensions are software programs that you can add to your web browser to block ads on websites.

Here are the steps on how to block YouTube ads on desktop using the AdBlock Plus extension:

  1. Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for “AdBlock Plus”.
  2. Click the “Add to Chrome” button to install the extension.
  3. Once the extension is installed, click the AdBlock Plus icon in the Chrome toolbar.
  4. Click the “Turn on for this site” button.
  5. Now, when you visit YouTube, AdBlock Plus will block all ads.

You can also use other ad blocker extensions, such as uBlock Origin or AdGuard AdBlocker. These extensions work similarly to AdBlock Plus, but they may have different features and settings.

How to block YouTube ads on mobile

There are also several ways to block YouTube ads on mobile. One way is to use a dedicated ad blocker app. Ad blocker apps are software programs that you can install on your mobile device to block ads on all apps.

Another way to block YouTube ads on mobile is to use a VPN. VPNs encrypt your traffic and route it through a server in another location. This can make it more difficult for advertisers to track your online activity and target you with ads.

Here are the steps on how to block YouTube ads on mobile using the AdBlock Plus app:

  1. Download and install the AdBlock Plus app from the Google Play Store or the App Store.
  2. Open the AdBlock Plus app and tap the “Turn on Ad Blocking” button.
  3. Now, when you open YouTube, AdBlock Plus will block all ads.

How to unblock specific YouTube ads

If you want to unblock specific YouTube ads, you can do so by whitelisting the websites that serve those ads. Whitelisting is a process of telling your ad blocker to allow ads from specific websites.

Here are the steps on how to unblock specific YouTube ads using the AdBlock Plus extension:

  1. Click the AdBlock Plus icon in the Chrome toolbar.
  2. Click the “Preferences” button.
  3. Click the “Whitelist” tab.
  4. Enter the website address of the website that you want to unblock ads from.
  5. Click the “Add” button.
  6. Click the “Save” button.

Now, when you visit YouTube, AdBlock Plus will block all ads except for the ads from the websites that you have whitelisted.

Please note that some YouTube creators may rely on ad revenue to make a living. If you enjoy watching a creator’s videos, it is important to consider supporting them by whitelisting their channel.

FAQs about YouTube Adblock

Is YouTube adblock legal?

Yes, YouTube adblock is legal in most countries. However, it is important to note that YouTube’s terms of service prohibit the use of ad blockers, so you may violate your terms of service agreement by using one. Additionally, some creators may choose to monetize their videos through ads, so blocking ads can deprive them of income.

Does YouTube adblock slow down my computer?

Ad blockers can add some overhead to your browser, but they should not significantly slow down your computer. In fact, ad blockers can actually improve your browsing experience by reducing the number of requests that your browser has to make.

What are the best settings for YouTube adblock?

The best settings for YouTube adblock will vary depending on your specific needs. However, some general tips include:

  • Make sure that your ad blocker is up to date. Ad blockers are constantly being updated to block new types of ads.
  • Enable all of the blocking filters in your ad blocker. This will help to block the widest possible range of ads.
  • Whitelist any websites that you want to continue seeing ads on. For example, you may want to whitelist websites that support creators that you enjoy.

Here are some additional tips for using YouTube adblock:

  • If you are using a Chrome extension for YouTube adblock, try disabling all of your other Chrome extensions. This can help to improve the performance of your ad blocker.
  • If you are still seeing ads on YouTube, try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. This can help to reset your browser’s settings and may resolve the issue.
  • If you are still having problems with YouTube adblock, you can try contacting the developer of your ad blocker for support.

Overall, YouTube adblock is a safe and effective way to block ads on YouTube. However, it is important to be aware of the potential downsides of using an ad blocker, such as violating YouTube’s terms of service agreement and depriving creators of income. ( source : )

