5 Insider Tips for Graduate Schemes

3 min readSep 15, 2023


Embarking on a career path is an exhilarating yet daunting process, especially when it comes to securing a coveted spot on a graduate scheme. For university students and recent graduates, the competition can be intense, and the application process bewildering. Whether you’re in the UK or elsewhere, a successful transition from academia to the professional world requires careful planning and execution.

If you’re about to put on your cap and gown, or have recently joined the ranks of new graduates, this blog post is your go-to guide. We’ve consolidated five insider tips to give you a competitive edge when applying to graduate schemes.

1. Skill Diversity: More Than Just a Degree

In today’s competitive job market, having a degree is often just the minimum requirement. Employers are increasingly looking for candidates who bring more to the table. Alongside your specialised skills, cultivate soft skills such as effective communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. Participate in extracurricular activities, internships, or part-time jobs to demonstrate a well-rounded skill set.

2. The Remote Work Imperative: Get Tech-Savvy

The pandemic has forever altered the working landscape, making remote work capabilities more important than ever. Familiarise yourself with a variety of digital communication tools like Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams. Demonstrate in your applications and interviews that you can be productive and engaged, regardless of your work setting.

3. Beat the Bots: Optimise Your Applications

Automated Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are increasingly being used to screen applications. To pass this initial hurdle, tailor your CV and cover letter to match the specific keywords in the job description. Invest time in crafting customised applications for each graduate scheme, instead of using a one-size-fits-all approach.

4. Personal Branding: Stand Out in a Digital World

Your online presence can be a significant asset or a detrimental liability. Maintain a professional social media presence, especially on LinkedIn. Create content that demonstrates your expertise, engage in meaningful discussions, and build a network that can vouch for your skills and character. A strong personal brand will make you a more memorable candidate.

5. The Power of Networking: Don’t Underestimate Personal Connections

It’s often said that job hunting is a full-time job in itself. Networking can make this task considerably easier. Leverage alumni networks, attend industry-specific events (virtual or in-person), and don’t hesitate to seek mentorship. Not only can networking offer you valuable insights, but it can also provide you with opportunities that may not be publicly advertised.


The journey from being a new graduate to successfully landing a graduate scheme position is fraught with challenges. However, by diversifying your skill set, embracing remote work, optimising your applications, focusing on personal branding, and leveraging your network, you’ll be well-positioned to start your professional journey on a high note.

If you’ve found these tips valuable, stay tuned for our upcoming webinar, “Grad Scheme Success: The Ultimate Guide,” designed to provide actionable insights to help you navigate the graduate scheme landscape effectively.




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