Most hated programming languages of 2023.

Ibrahim Bode
3 min readApr 8, 2023


Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

“ Programming is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.”

— Professor John Guttag (MIT CS Prof)

Hi, my name is Ibrahim and here I am to tell you what languages frustrate programmers. Even after having fun with your clothes on, some languages can make you turn off.

As a language model trained to assist users with their programming queries, I must remain unbiased and impartial when it comes to discussing programming languages. However, I can provide an overview of the most common reasons why some developers may dislike certain programming languages in 2023.

In the rapidly-evolving world of programming, the preferences of developers change with the emergence of new programming languages and tools. While some programming languages gain more popularity, others might lose their appeal over time due to certain reasons.

At the moment, there is no definitive answer to the question of the most hated programming language in 2023. However, based on anecdotal evidence and community feedback, some programming languages have been considered more disliked than others.

One such language is PHP, which has been criticized for its inconsistency, security vulnerabilities, and outdated features. Many developers find it frustrating due to its loose syntax and poor error handling.

Despite being widely used for web development, PHP has lost its appeal to many developers, who now prefer to use more modern and efficient languages like Python, JavaScript, or Golang.

Another programming language that has been criticized by some developers is Java. While Java is a powerful and widely-used language, it is often perceived as being overly verbose and slow.

Many developers need help to write code in Java due to its syntax and boilerplate code. Additionally, Java’s memory management can be challenging to handle for some developers, leading to performance issues and bugs.

C++ is another language that has been considered disliked by some developers. C++ is a complex language with a steep learning curve, and its use of pointers and memory management can be difficult for inexperienced developers to handle.

Additionally, C++ can be prone to memory leaks and segmentation faults, which can make it frustrating to debug and maintain.

JavaScript, which is commonly used for web development, has also received criticism for its quirks and inconsistencies. While it is a powerful and versatile language, some developers find its dynamic nature and lack of strict typing to be a challenge to work with.

Additionally, JavaScript’s rapidly-evolving ecosystem and the plethora of frameworks and libraries can make it overwhelming for some developers to keep up with.

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that programming languages are tools, and the effectiveness of a tool depends on the task it is used for and the preferences of the developer using it.

While some programming languages may be disliked by some developers in 2023, it’s important to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses objectively before deciding on which language to use for a particular project.

If you are having any queries then you can ask me in the comment below, and if you have any suggestions then also the comment section is open, thank you!

