Ibrahim Olamilekan Kolawole
3 min readAug 14, 2020


A business and technology journalist, Rakesh Sharma once state in one of his report that "Africa is rarely mentioned among the largest markets for cryptocurrency, but it may be set to steal a march over other markets”.
With the steady growth of cryptocurrency in Africa, gaining moment with real use cases of Qitmeer technology having her own digital currency ( #pmeer ) gives opportunity to many individual and companies interest in cryptocurrency.

The HalalChain (HLC) foundation launched #Qitmeer as a new dimension coin based on BlockDAG technology.

Some economists analyze crypto to be a disruptive innovation that will engulf the continent. On the contrary Qitmeer real life use cases shows the positive vibes behind the Qitmeer project.

Qitmeer provides solutions to product safety and integrity, through blockchain,imagine eliminating counterfeit, helping product standardization protocol.

Thus, Qitmeer is a decentralized global monitoring solution for product safety and integrity which is achieved by harnessing the power of the technology consortium chain, with the particular attention in the field of halal industry, including food medicine and cosmetics

Cryptocurrency is not bound nor restricted by geography location because it is internet based; which means the transactions can take place anywhere in the world once internet and gadgets are available. Its transactions are stored in a database called blockchain, which is a group of connected computers that record transactions in a ledger in real time.
Qitmeer offer an alternative solution to disastrous central bank policies. Citizens of countries battling with high inflation are likely to opt-in for cryptocurrency, with their paradigm of decentralization.
according to the World Bank report, "South Sudan’s inflation rate was 102% between September 2016 and September 2017, Other countries with double-digit inflation rates include Egypt, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is no surprise that some of these countries are among the main cryptocurrecies economies in Africa. The countries that adopts the crypto/blockchain tech the most are Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe, according to report
In 2019 Google Trends, Lagos, Nigeria was the number one city based on online search volumes for Bitcoin worldwide. While recently, in May 2020, Arcade Research ranked Nigeria fifth globally with its 11% of connected Nigerians owning or using cryptocurrencies.

Qitmeer giving support to Nigeria society shows a positive vibes of technology in today's world through the SOZECOM (Sokoto State Zakat Waqf Endowment Commission ) in supporting the poor and needy people in Nigeria.

Follow us on our telegram 👉🏼👉🏼 @qitmeernetwork
Qitmeer gives solution to long wait in the mode of finance in today's economy. Qitmeer (pmeer) transactions help to eliminate the procedural bottlenecks that plague traditional banking and financial services.

Qitmeer is said to be the next generation public chain based on BlockDAG which is dedicated to serving the ecosystem of Islamic Finance, ethical finance, and socially responsible investment, thereby enhancing financial inclusion and creating social impact.

👉CITEX - https://trade.citex.co.kr/trade/PMEER_USDT


👉UBCOIN - Https://ubcoin.pro

Website : https://qitmeer.io

Discussion Forum : https://qitmeertalk.org

Twitter : https://twitter.com/QitmeerNetwork

Instagram: https://instagram.com/QitmeerNetwork

Wallet : https://www.kahf.io

Explorer : https://explorer.qitmeer.io/

Pool : https://www.meerpool.com/

Document: https://qitmeer.github.io/docs/en/

Miner :https://www.qitmeer.io/miner/

Source Code

YouTube Guidelines : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fddv-e45Ipo

Thank you 😊🤝

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