What to do when you have 25 days until the Uniform Bar Exam.

6 min readJul 4, 2019

Why are you even reading this? Surely the time would be better spent going through mortgages? Anyway, you are probably caught up that complex yet all too familiar web of guilt and having no more of anything to give. Sure, you spent all of May and most of June doing hardly anything, celebrating the end of law school and the last summer of adolescence. Yet whatever panic July brings, you shrug it off casually by saying “it is what it is” almost as though you’re not in debt from the years of university you had to complete just to be able to write this damn thing.

Scary times indeed. So what do I have to offer you? A lot actually — because unlike you I have actually written and passed this thing (New York Bar, July 2018). First time around. Let’s question my credentials when you get your results in October…

Stop trying to be smart.

Yes, it may have gotten you brownie points with that professor who later recommended you to her friend who happens to be a partner in Big Law. Sure, it also caught the attention of the person from your Civ Pro class until that love affair went up in smoke sometime between the second semester of 2L and the Barristers’ Ball — but it’s time to get real. Now isn’t the time to flex those skills, the bar really doesn’t care how well you know Con Law. Learn…




Writer by nature, lawyer by training, possessor of multiplicities by choice.