Why Westeros Needs A Magna Carta.

7 min readMay 3, 2019

Spoilers up to and including Season 8, episode 3. I don’t read the books, I am not even a super fan of this show, don’t at me.

Courtesy of HBO.

I survived The Long Night (S8e3) in daylight with my curtains open and without too much tension or stress thanks to the zealous on social media who were not content to post GoT related things without spoilers. The episode was more like a short dusk. But anyway…

Now that the threat of the Night King, his white walkers and gruesome army of the dead has mostly passed (unless you believe some crazy theories on how either the creepy kid previously known as Bran Stark or the once bastard, now Aegon Targaryen will become the new Night King to face Cersei and her army without elephants) we can start thinking about what stability in Westeros might look like — if the Iron Throne is occupied by anyone who fought on the side of the living at the Battle of Winterfell.

In fact, Tyrion Lannister has already been thinking about this, recall in Season 7 when he once asked the Dragon Queen:

“How do we ensure that your vision endures? After you break the wheel, how do we make sure it stays broken?”

While Dany’s only children thus far are her dragons and maybe potential heirs out of an incestuous union…




Writer by nature, lawyer by training, possessor of multiplicities by choice.