Preparing Data for Machine Learning

Clean up continuous data

Ibtissam Makdoun
5 min readMay 30, 2022

As a reminder this article belongs to the course about Applied Machine Learning: Ensemble Learning. If you want to know more about Machine learning and its basics you can check out the following articles:

In this article we will mainly focus on cleaning up the continuous features and in the next article, we will clean up the categorical features. Cleaning up the data means that we will do a quick pass over the data to check that it can fit the model.

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Remember that we are using the Titanic Dataset, Read the following article if you want to know more about Titanic and how to read the Dataset from a CSV file.

So the first this we will do is import a few packages that will help us in cleaning and visualizing data.



Ibtissam Makdoun

Researcher in Data Science and content creator. Find therapy in Notebooks and Pencils.