The Power of Ensemble Learning

Ibtissam Makdoun
4 min readJun 6, 2022

Now that we have a basic understanding of Ensemble Learning technique and how it works. A good follow to our previous article will be to understand the power of Ensemble Learning.

If you want, you can check out our previous articles about Ensemble Leaning as an introduction.

Now, there are two sides to the power of Ensemble Learning

Technical and Non Technical side to the power of Ensemble Learning


The non technical power of Ensemble Learning manifests in the way that models work as a team. Just like people perform better in team, when people can reduce each others bias and enhance the overall performance. As some people might pick up on trends and ideas that others miss.

When you combine all of that insight and all of those perspectives, the result become really powerful.


The technical side is that Ensemble Learning decreases the bias and variance while limiting the risk of overfitting. You can still overfit your data with Ensemble Learning but the results will be more enhance before you reach the point of…



Ibtissam Makdoun

Researcher in Data Science and content creator. Find therapy in Notebooks and Pencils.