What does machine learning look like in real life?
Last article, we build a reasonable understanding of what machine learning is? Now, let’s look at a couple of examples of machine learning in our everyday lives.
Personal assistant
Our first example is personal assistance. Whether it’s through Siri, Google Home, or Amazon Echo, all of this speech recognition software is built using machine learning.
The figure illustrates how Siri listen to what you say, runs it through a model to find out what was most likely said, and then it executes some query to return a response.
More precisely, the part where it takes what it thinks it hears and smooths that out into the most likely thing that the person asked is the core of the machine learning functionality here.
Recommendation system:
Recommendation system are also an example of Machine Learning. We are literally surrounded by these, from shopping on Amazon, to Netflix, to Spotify, to Facebook friend recommendations, to Twitter. All these recommendation systems are driven by machine learning.