Bugra Dönmez
1 min readMar 29, 2024


Something is happening, and everyone is starting to change shape again; all characters are taking on a strange form. But what’s happening? No one can ask questions because everyone is facing the same problem. Everyone is panicking, yet this is an unfixable situation. It seems this is a rule in Ontata: if even one being there experiences a deviation from the order and ethics, Lamam would annihilate everyone. This is actually a common occurrence, but because those living there are so comfortable ignoring it, they fall into this error quite naturally. It’s a perfect place to live, but also a place that doesn’t accept mistakes. That’s the whole problem. So far, thousands of beings in Ontata have been annihilated, and no group of beings has managed to live for more than 1000 years without being annihilated. Who knows, perhaps one day a group of beings will emerge that will manage to achieve this in the future. Hope is necessary.

