Bugra Dönmez
May 10, 2024


Anne and her daughter found themselves alone after a long time apart. Anne was trying to explain to her daughter that she could now draw straight lines, but her daughter’s mind was still elsewhere, busy with her new projects. Somehow, Anne managed to get her daughter to listen to her, and…

Anne: “Sweetheart, I have wonderful news for you.”

Nuku: “What is it, mommy?”

Anne: “You don’t have to be upset anymore, you can draw straight lines now.”

Nuku: “Why did you say that, mommy?”

Anne: “Just try one and see!”

Nuku immediately grabs a piece of paper and a pencil. Then she notices that none of the animals around are screaming as she draws. She turns to her mother and says:

Nuku: “Mom, I think I’m going to faint!”

Go to the next part => 12

