Ibukunoluwa Samuel
6 min readJun 17, 2018

Summer Getaway: Yankari Game Reserve, Bauchi State, Nigeria.

My 4 days summarized

It is mid-year and a lot of us have been washed away by the river of work; forgetting the list we drew up on the 1st of January of places to explore. We constantly find ourselves not getting enough free time to tick those items listed on our bucket list- particularly travel. Summer is the best time of the year to explore and be outdoor. Breaking routine to travel has a way of rejuvenating one’s body and awaken the soul. I kid not when I say travel is all you need to get your head cleared. Baby girl, you have been working hard and you most certainly need a break.

Briefly, let me run you through an idea of likely place to go in Nigeria. Nigeria is swelled by numerous natural attractions but top on my list is Yankari Game Reserve in Bauchi State.

Yankari Game Reserve

Occupying a total land area of 2,244 square kilometres (866 sq mi), YGR is a wildlife park located in the south-central part of Bauchi State, in North Eastern Nigerian. It sits majestically, away from the state capital. It heralds quietness and naturally conserved ambiance. While I will advise a group tour to guarantee maximum fun, after all, the more the merrier, however, private tours are great options as well. To first time visitors, you might want to implore 2 modes of transportation; say a flight to a neighbouring city (Kaduna, Abuja or Jos), from any of these locations, it is easy to continue on a road trip to Bauchi. Jos being the closest to Bauchi state, a 2 hours drive to Yankari. Abuja and Kaduna peg at a 5–6 hours drive.

Views of Yankari; source; twitter feeds @Editi Effiòng

Driving up north for the first time, I had my head out of the car the whole time, the breeze making play with what is left of my low cut. I was immersed in the beauty that Nigeria is. Uniquely different is each region and I couldn’t but feel proud about being a Nigerian momentarily. The dry, sun-baked expanse of landmass, mountains rising massively to dot the skyline at the horizon; these I still picture in my head. I saw a camel, locals paused to wave at us on their way back home from farm; the look of all sufficiency on their faces.

Aerial View

The facility on arrival will make you question if truly it is managed by the state government or privately held. Forgive me, but am used to the Nigeria that abandons infrastructures and landmarks to lay in waste.


Carefully lawned is the garden that surrounds the facility, I couldn’t resist taking pictures. The accommodation is structured accordingly to suit individual budget; it ranges from Student price to VIP treat. The student lodge goes for as low as N1800 per night. Fully Aced room manicured to taste with furniture and conserved décor. Secured garage for your vehicle and guaranteed 24 hours power supply. The facility has a well functioning and homely website.

A room view ; source: Twitter feeds @Editi Effiòng

Wiki — Warm Spring

Everything you have heard about a natural clear water body that flows at 30C temperature aka WWS is very true. Well, except you have not heard about it before now which is more reason why you should go. Hurriedly, I changed into something light and made my way to the part of Yankari that holds the spring. Everything ever told or written is true and even more beautiful seeing it physically. I can’t swim either so you need not worry about water depth and inability to swim. The water is shallow which is more than convenient for me. This particular facility has attracted naturalist and curious minds both at home and abroad. The spring holds a different view at night. I find that an additional topping on my cake. At night, the turquoise colour the water naturally holds is mixed in light drops settling above and you can see the bottom as the water flows along. Isn’t it just perfect scenery to play in the water with the love of your life? I will say, girl, pack your bags, throw those heels aside and head to Yankari today.

Wiki-warm spring; source: Wikki springsTwitter feeds @Editi Effiòng


I was excited when they said it was time to go on a safari ride. In batches, we headed to the game aspect of Yankari. I have only seen a safari in movies so, when the time came to actually go on one, I was first in the queue. That truck that has opening on every end which allows you a great view…yay! The Yoruba in me was lowly praying the truck does not develop fault midway in the bush. We were deep in the middle of nowhere with wild animals roaming freely at end turn.

A tour guide was assigned to each batch. The sight of an animal will have him explain briefly what the animal is alongside other details. We saw a (I want to say a cobra or anaconda) at a respectable distance from the road path which we were. I wouldn’t care to come down from the vehicle to confirm its size- some did. The thing with the animals is this, the sight of human movement makes them run but with enough time to catch an appreciable look at them.

Photo by Louis Blythe on Unsplash

Also enclosed in the game aspect of Yankari is an ancient cave. Recorded as a refuge during ethnic frictions and colonial era years back; only now it stands as a tourist attraction. It is covered up in thick forestation. The massive dome-shaped structure is segmented into rooms.

Worthy of mentioning is the kitchen facility that provides yummy food selections. You might want to bring your booze along, I don’t recall seeing it on sale anywhere in the premise throughout my stay. There is also an art and culture talk shop which opens 24hours for sales of different items ranging from locally made bag, hats, bracelet; one would definitely find a souvenir.

It might interest you to know harmless animals roam the non-game aspect of the reserve. Bamboo and a pig like small animal. Harmless, but lurking in a corner waiting on anyone walking by with colorful nylon to charge. So fierce and swift they are, the experience sent fear down my spine the first time I encountered them. Subsequently, away from bright nylon, cookie or bottle of drink, we hung out together, stood to watch them back their baby and display, took pictures together. You don’t want to leave your room open at any point; it takes 2 minutes for these guys to turn a room upside.

Instagram post @yankarigreserve

Appropriate for basically everyone, most importantly to collect your thought and regain that glow for as long as you want, Yankari is my pick for you.

Fashion Pick


Colourfuly, silky, armless, breezy dresses are most appropriate.

Strapless bra


Mini-purse/ side purse

Bangle earrings



A copy of lifesyle magazine


Little to no makeup



Wrist accessories


Any fine shirt you can fly or statement shirt

Hiking boot

The day to depart fell on me like a thief in the night. My stay came to an end and still not had enough, I dragged my bags to the waiting bus; bidding farewell was the hardest thing I had to do to the arm that welcomed me days ago. I basked in the glow of Yankari days after I resumed my routine. I had a new and bright smile on my face.

This is not a paid write up and I in no way work with the management of Yankari Game Reserve, it is simply a dive into one of Nigerian tourist site from a first-hand experience. Enjoy!