Why Warren Buffett is absolutely right!

6 min readFeb 1, 2024

A Personal Journey of Applying His Advice.

If you have read the Psychology of money, there is said something on the lines of :

“Financial skill is not a hard science but a soft skill, how you behave is more import than what you know”

  • Today I am going to show you how I applied his advice and achieved a 11.4% annual returns.
  • You will think that is not a big number. It is still more than any bank interest out there. Easily beats out the inflation in the recent times.
  • I achieved that while knowing nothing about how the financial system works.
  • Just read what Mr. Warren Buffett was saying, thought it’s not going to hurt to try. Numbers made sense.
  • What I am going to show here can be applied by anyone in any country.
  • Like the book says, once you apply you just need to behave.
  • I will show you screen shots from my investments and returns directly here.
  • Reason being is I believe it is very easy to talk about Warren Buffett than be Warren Buffett ( as in apply his advice ).

Index Funds, Index Funds and Index Funds….

  • That’s it.
  • Found out a a locally based




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