Dream comes true

Cyberpunk Taiwan
4 min readApr 9, 2023


You walked down the dark alleyway and arrived at an iron door with a keypad. A man tapped a few keys on the pad, and the door slid open with a hiss, revealing a shadowy staircase.

He gestured for you to follow him.

“Don’t hesitate, kid. I’m gonna show you something. This place will blow your mind.”

You hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided to follow him.

You didn’t have much left to lose, did you?

You climbed up the stairs behind him, feeling the metal steps tremble under your feet. The walls were covered in graffiti and posters advertising all kinds of illegal things, like drugs, cybernetic enhancements, or virtual reality services. Some of them were slogans of rebellion, denouncing corporations, artificial intelligence, or environmental crises.

You arrived at the third floor, and the man stopped in front of a door. He took out an electronic tablet from his pocket and slid it on the scanner on the door.

The door opened, and he pushed it open, inviting you in.

You walked in, stunned.

The apartment was spacious and bright, offering a view of the city. The furniture was state-of-the-art, the appliances cutting edge, and dynamic holographic artwork hung on the walls. A massive screen displayed a tropical island scene while you heard the sound of waves and wind.

"This is incredible," you said, unable to believe your eyes.

The man laughed, handing you his tablet.

"Just sign your name and transfer the payment to me. kid, it's all yours."

You took the tablet and looked over the contract. It looked official, but you still had doubts. Why was he selling this place at such a low price? Did he have some hidden motive?

You looked up at him and asked, "Is this for real? Is there no catch?"

He shrugged and said, "Real? Catch? Kid, there's nothing real or perfect in Taipei. But I assure you, this place is legal and safe. I just want to sell it quickly. I have some...business to take care of."

He winked at you and said, "So what do you say? Are you in or out?"

You thought for a moment and nodded. You signed your name on the tablet and transferred the payment to him. He confirmed the transaction and handed you a key.

"Congratulations, kid. This is your key. You can now enjoy your new life."

He turned and walked out the door without looking back.

You walked excitedly into the apartment, feeling like you were in a dream. You put your luggage on the couch and plugged in your devices. You thought you had found a steal of a deal.

You heard the sound of the door opening and turned around. A woman walked in. She was slender, with long flowing hair and wearing a tight black jumpsuit. She had a red cybernetic eye and a butterfly tattoo on her face. She looked at you with surprise and annoyance.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" she shouted.

You froze and stammered, "I... I'm a new tenant. I just rented this place from a guy outside. He gave me the key and the contract."

The woman laughed mockingly and shook her head.

"New tenant? Contract? Kid, you've been scammed. This is my place. I've been living here for months. That guy outside is just a hacker. He cracked my lock and sold you a fake contract. He's probably long gone by now."

You felt a wave of panic and disbelief wash over you.

"What? Impossible. He showed me his contract, it looked legit," you say.

"Legit? Kid, in this day and age, nothing is legit. Anyone can forge anything with enough skill and software. You should have known better than to trust a stranger on the street." she says, walking towards you.

"Now, before I call security, get out of my apartment. Don't even think about taking anything, everything here is mine."

You grabbed your luggage and ran out the door. You sprinted down the hallway, searching for an exit. You cursed yourself for being so naive. You thought you had found a luxurious city residence, but instead, you had walked into a trap. You wondered how many other victims this hacker had fooled with fake contracts.

You reached the end of the hallway and saw a sign that said "Elevator." You pressed the button and waited, hoping the elevator was working properly and hadn't been hacked.

You reached the ground and were surrounded by neon lights, flying cars, and crowds of people with electronic devices. You realized you were in the heart of Taipei, a place where anything could happen, and nothing was as it seemed.

You didn't know if you'd be able to find a safe place to stay in this city.

You felt like you had entered a nightmare.

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Cyberpunk Taiwan

AI-generated cyberpunk Taiwanese stories. Sounds pretty cyberpunk, doesn't it?