Neo Hope

Cyberpunk Taiwan
2 min readApr 25, 2023


Your heart raced as you saw the auctioneer flick his fingers back and forth between you and another bidder. You knew time was running out. You closed your eyes and activated the neural port in the back of your brain. It was a hacker tool that could infiltrate any wireless network and rewrite it to your advantage.

You scanned the opponent’s device with your mind and sent out an attack signal. A series of numbers and letters flashed before your retinas, proving that you had successfully cracked his system. You quickly issued a command that sent his bid skyrocketing to an absurd amount.

You observed his expression shift from pride to terror. His cybernetics eyes stared at the screen, displaying his billion-dollar bid, while his encrypted wallet only held a fraction of that amount, disqualifying him from the bidding. He frantically tried to retract his bid, but it was too late. The auctioneer pounded the gavel with a metallic clang, declaring you the ultimate victor.

You strode up to the stage with a smug grin on your face. The woman handed you a keycard and a contract, which you scribbled on with a symbol without even glancing at the contents. You didn’t care about the terms. You only cared about the reward.

You muttered a thanks to the woman and exited the room. You boarded the elevator and ascended to the top floor of the skyscraper. You swiped your keycard over the lock and pushed open the door to the apartment.

For a moment, you forgot about the mess of troubles awaiting your resolution. You wanted to savor this moment of achievement.

You felt as though you had finally stepped onto the starting line, entering a wholly different world.

A city where anything could happen.

You tossed your backpack onto the floor and strode towards the window. You gazed upon the neon-lit city below, filled with bustling traffic. You breathed in the smoky air, smiling.

This was your new home.

And your new life.















Cyberpunk Taiwan

AI-generated cyberpunk Taiwanese stories. Sounds pretty cyberpunk, doesn't it?