Rabbit Hole

Cyberpunk Taiwan
4 min readApr 14, 2023


As you followed the man into the dark alley, you noticed the litter and the pungent smell that permeated the air. He turned to you, revealing his crooked teeth with a grin.

“You made the right choice,” he said. “This place will be your new home.”

You entered the apartment with a heavy heart. The room was small and filthy, with no windows and only a flickering light bulb.

“I can make it better,” the man sensed your hesitation and spoke up. “I know someone who can upgrade your tech, and soon you’d be living like a king.”

But something was not right. You realized you couldn’t trust this man, so you turned and left.

“I’ll find another way,” you said as you walked away.

Over the next few days, you exhausted all your skills in searching for the perfect apartment online. Just when you thought you had hit a dead end, you stumbled upon a listing that caught your eye.

It was in a rundown part of town, but the photos showed a spacious and modern apartment. It had large windows, hardwood floors, a kitchen, and a bathroom. It even had a private balcony with a view of the city skyline. You decided to take a risk and see it for yourself.

As you approached the building, you noticed a group of people gathered outside, all wearing black armbands. They held up signs and megaphones, shouting slogans like “Social housing for the rich” and “Collusion between government and business.” You were curious about what they were protesting, but you had more pressing matters at hand.

You rang the buzzer at the entrance, and a woman’s voice answered.

“Who is it?”

“I’m sorry,” she said, “It’s already been rented.”

Your stomach felt like it had been hollowed out. You thought you had finally found your dream home, only to be disappointed at the last moment.

But the woman didn’t hang up. “I do have another option, though, if you’re interested. Meet me at the east gate of the night market tomorrow night at midnight, and I’ll tell you more details.”

You hesitated for a moment, but you didn’t have much to lose. The next night, you arrived at the night market, a place full of neon lights, noise, and various smells. You searched for the woman’s figure in the crowd, but she was nowhere to be found.

You pulled out your phone and saw a message from her:

“I’m here. Follow the red rabbit.”

You looked around and spotted a red rabbit graffiti on a nearby wall. You walked towards the direction of the graffiti and found yourself in a dark alley.

As you walked into the alley, you saw a door with the words “Rabbit Hole” written on it. You knocked on the door and it opened automatically.

Inside was a cramped room with a projector and a screen. There were a dozen people in the room, all wearing black armbands.

The woman stood in front of the screen. She smiled at you and nodded.

“Welcome to the auction,” she said. “You’ve come at the perfect time.”

She turned on the projector and played a video of the apartment you saw online. It looked even more magnificent than the pictures.

She paused for a moment and scanned the audience.

Then, in a seductive voice, she introduced the apartment like she was selling a precious artwork. “This is the home of your dreams,” she said. “It’s located in a secure building with all the amenities you could ask for. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to live in style and comfort.”

She gave the audience a charming smile.

“However, this apartment also had its secrets,” she said. “It used to be the lair of a notorious hacker who was hunted by the government, corporations, and even criminal syndicates due to conflicts. He left his computer here, which contained stolen data and codes that could be worth millions or even billions. If you won this apartment today, you would also inherit his troubles.”

She blinked her eyes.

“So, who dared to take on this challenge?” she asked.

The room fell silent. Then someone raised their hand.

You looked around and realized that everyone seemed to have stepped out of a sci-fi movie. They all had various mechanical modifications, some with flashing eyes, some with steel-like arms, and some with cables extending from their heads.

You understood that this was not just an auction. It was a competition.

A competition to see who could survive in this cyberpunk hell.

You felt your heart racing and your blood boiling.

You raised your hand too.

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接著用一種誘人的聲音介紹著這間公寓,就像是在賣一件珍貴的藝術品。”這裡是你夢寐以求的居所,”她說。 “它位於一棟安全的大樓中,擁有你所需要的一切設施。對於任何想要以優雅和舒適的方式生活的人來說,它都是完美的選擇。”


“不過,這間公寓也有它的秘密,”她說。 “它曾經是一個知名的黑客的巢穴,他因為和政府、企業、甚至犯罪集團發生衝突而被追殺。他在這裡留下了他的電腦,裡面藏有他偷來的數據和代碼,可能值得數百萬甚至數億。如果你今天贏得了這間公寓,你也會繼承他的麻煩。”









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Cyberpunk Taiwan

AI-generated cyberpunk Taiwanese stories. Sounds pretty cyberpunk, doesn't it?