Taipei : The Labyrinthine Metropolis

Cyberpunk Taiwan
4 min readMar 17, 2023


As night descends upon Taipei, the city transforms into a neon-lit wonderland. Skyscrapers tower over the bustling streets, while the forces of technology and politics collide. Taipei is the heart of Taiwan’s economy and culture, a world of infinite possibilities where tradition meets innovation, and the East and West influence each other.

But beneath the veneer of modernity lies an unrelenting struggle against authoritarian forces. Amidst the chaotic streets, there are those who pursue freedom and pleasure in the digital interconnected world. They have undergone physical modifications and engage in power struggles, all while being mesmerized by the allure of wealth.

The city’s bustling night markets and street vendors, vast technology centers and underground hacker dens, luxurious clubs and slums all form a labyrinthine metropolis. Amidst the sensory overload, people can see a brighter or darker future where the lines between humans and machines, or even humans and gods, are blurred. The limits of reality are stretched to their extremes, and every choice can potentially change fate and history.

As one embarks on the road of infinite possibilities in Taipei, the shadow of China always looms over the city, reminding people to be vigilant against the threat of authoritarianism, and to uphold the dignity of freedom and democracy. People’s souls can feel the oppression of history, while the hope for the future never fades.

  1. Enter the city




但是,在台北踏上無限可能的道路時,中國的陰影也始終籠罩著這座城市,警醒著人們時刻準備應對極權主義的威脅 ,維護自由和民主的尊嚴。在這個傳統與創新相交融、東方與西方相互影響、歷史與未來交匯在此的城市中,人們的心靈得以感受到歷史的壓迫 ,而未來的希望亦在這裡永不褪色。

  1. 進入城市



Cyberpunk Taiwan

AI-generated cyberpunk Taiwanese stories. Sounds pretty cyberpunk, doesn't it?