The Stoplight

5 min readJun 14, 2024


Red means Stop, Yellow means slow down, Green means Go… Or does it?

It starts like this…
Being stuck in traffic is one of the worst things to happen right? Staring impatiently at the bright red stoplight, it’s easy to feel frustrated. We’ve all been there — that red light seems to drag on forever, while the yellow cautions us to slow down, and the green comes and goes in the blink of an eye. But that stoplight, with its simple signals, carries a deeper meaning if we choose to see it.

Personal Experience
It’s all too easy to take the simple rhythms of life for granted — the red, the yellow, the green — caught up in the rush to reach our destinations. I’ll admit, I’m often guilty of that myself, rarely one to embrace the more optimistic, cheerful outlook on things. Because let’s face it, the world can be a cruel place. Like the harrowing ending of the movie Se7en, where even in the face of unimaginable tragedy, one character reflects, “Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.’ I agree with the second part.” Yes, the world may be a dark and painful place at times, but it is also a place worth fighting for. That is the true challenge — to find the reasons, even amidst the chaos and suffering, that make this life worth living.

That bright red stoplight is nature’s way of telling us to stop and pay attention. In life, we get those same kind of red flags all the time, warning signs that something isn’t quite right. Maybe it’s a gut feeling you get about a new relationship, where little things just seem off. Or it could be a shady financial opportunity that promises big rewards, but deep down you know it’s too good to be true. Even in our jobs, there are sometimes red flags waving — the boss who plays favorites, the company with a history of instability. It’s so easy to ignore those warning signs, to plow ahead because we want things to work out, or we’re scared to face the alternative. But that red light is there for a reason — to make us slow down, take a hard look, and decide if moving forward is really the best choice. It’s not always easy, but sometimes the smartest thing we can do is heed that red light, even if it means missing out on something we think we want. Because the consequences of rushing through and ignoring those red flags can be a whole lot worse than sitting tight and waiting for the green.

That yellow light is nature’s way of telling us to slow down and approach with caution. In life, we’d all do well to heed that same advice. It’s so easy to get caught up in the rat race, constantly feeling like we have to keep up with everyone else. But the truth is, life isn’t a competition — it’s not about who can get to the finish line the fastest. As the saying goes, “Slowing down is sometimes the best way to speed up.” Sometimes, the smartest thing we can do is take our time, to pause and really appreciate the journey. As Billy Joel sings, “Slow down, you’re doing fine, you can’t be everything you wanna be before your time.” Think about all the important moments we’d miss if we were always in a hurry — quality time with loved ones, the beauty of the changing seasons, the satisfaction of slowly working towards a goal. By slowing down and being present, we’re able to truly cherish the things that matter most. Sure, it might take us a little longer to get where we’re going, but doesn’t that make arriving all the sweeter? The yellow light is reminding us that it’s okay to proceed with care, to not always feel the need to rush headlong into the next thing. Because the world isn’t going anywhere, and the real joy is in savoring every step along the way.

And then there’s that glorious green light — the signal to go, to move forward with purpose. In life, that green light is our cue to stop hesitating and start taking the steps we need to reach our goals. It’s easy to get stuck, to stay in our comfort zones because change can be scary. But if we never take that first leap, we’ll never get anywhere. Think about the big decisions you’ve been putting off — maybe it’s finally going back to school to pursue a new career, or having that tough conversation with a loved one. As long as you stay where you are, nothing is going to change. The saying goes, “if not now, then when?” Well, the green light is your signal that the time is now. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to race through the intersection without looking. Approach with intention, make a plan, and then go for it. Because when you do, amazing things can happen. Just like running a red light can lead to disastrous consequences, staying stagnant in life can rob you of the fulfillment and progress you deserve. So when that green light turns on, take a deep breath and go for it. The future you’ll be grateful you did.

The End
A stoplight is just a small part of our greater journey through life, but it serves as a powerful reminder of the rhythms we must learn to navigate. The red, the yellow, the green — these signals may seem simplistic, yet they speak volumes about the ebb and flow we all experience, both on the road and in our lives. Just like driving a car, our lives have their own stops, slows, and go’s. The red light urges us to pause, to heed the warning signs that pop up, much like we need to stop at a red light or risk a dangerous collision. The yellow cautions us to slow down, to approach with care, the same way we need to proceed cautiously when the light turns yellow. And the green? That green light is our cue to move forward, to take action towards our goals, to accelerate and make progress. But remember, it’s not just the destination that matters — it’s the path we take to get there. The balance of these three colors is what makes the journey worth it. So the next time you find yourself stuck at a red light, fuming and frustrated, take a moment to reflect. Because that stoplight is mirroring the very ebb and flow of your own life, your own car journey. Use that time to check in, to ensure you’re not missing the important things. After all, the ending may be what we’re all working towards, but it’s the steps along the way that make it truly meaningful. So embrace each color, each phase, for they all have a purpose. And who knows, you may just find that the most precious things are discovered when we’re willing to stop, slow down, and savor the journey.




Bleedding ink trying to make it make sense... That's life afterall.