How I Became a Gym Person — Part 1

4 min readAug 16, 2016


There are countless articles and posts that I have come across on how to overcome the struggle of working out regularly. It’s common knowledge and a fact that exercise is necessary to achieve a good quality of life but most people just couldn’t get that right motivation to do it regularly, even those that are extremely overweight.

There are four aspects as to why a person would exercise -

1. Health

2. Physical Fitness

3. Aesthetics

4. Achievement

These are pretty much self-explanatory. Health for those that want to live longer and disease free. Physical fitness for those into sports or competition. Aesthetics for those who want to look good. Achievement for those that want to feel in control or may have some deep reason as to why they do what they do.

I had about 3 to 4 gym memberships in my life starting when I was in college, each would last an average of 3 months and then I would totally drop it. I am overweight and suffer from hypertension and a bunch of symptoms that I would normally turn a blind eye on. I lacked energy spending most of my time on fight or flight mode a.k.a. stress. Generally I wasn’t well, both my mind and body.

Today, for the past 8 months I have been getting up in between 4:00 am and 5:00 am to go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week. What was different this time? How did I manage to work out consistently? How was I able to build an attitude where I feel so much dread whenever I miss working out?

I will lay them all down in parts. This is what I did, and by saying that it means that it may or may not work for you. This is to hoping that maybe one of you might also get into this path of health and well-being.

The Inspiration

About 9 months ago I felt that I was so fat. I realized that it was more than a feeling when I looked in the mirror. My energy levels were down, my focus was nowhere to be found, and my stress level was on an all time high. I knew that I had to change something.

I don’t remember how it started but i came across Dwayne Johnson’s (a.k.a. The Rock) Instagram page -@therock. I love inspirational and motivational talks and Dwayne just seem to deliver some good ones. The more I followed the guy, the more I admired him as a person. His level of energy and discipline is just unparalleled considering that he is one of the most highest paid Hollywood actors today.

His Instagram posts shows how he wakes up at 4:00 am and works out every single day no matter what. In some videos you would see the intensity of his training and how he enjoys every moment of it! He also shares his work schedule and boy will you be surprised with how consistent his energy is considering his 14 hour workdays, travelling around the world, shooting movies, and countless promotions.

And I knew that this is exactly what I wanted. Energy, health, and yeah good looks too! I have not felt the saying “If he can do it, so can I” ever so strong within me. It wasn’t difficult to believe the things Dwayne says because you can see the results as clear as day.

Rocky was able to make me feel the different kind of excitement of getting up early and working out. And so I did. It was a struggle but I had a few investments and routines that helped me a lot to make this a habit. A strong and annoying alarm clock placed far from my bed and my gym clothes and bag all ready to be put on. More than Dwayne’s physique, I was obsessed with his energy, discipline, and focus. Without him being an inspiration I wouldn’t have even had a gym membership again today.

Find your inspiration and dig deeper that physical attributes. Find meaning and a goal that goes beyond your ego’s desires. Imagine life as you want to live it and look for actual people living it and follow their lead.

MT (

