How to Prevent Buddy Punching and Time Theft

Allison Berton
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2017

In human resource management or time tracking applications, it is not that easy to prevent employees from recording their attendance in such a way that they record more time than they actually spent in the office. Also, there is no easy way of stopping your employees from working together to punch in/out time for each other.

And this may become a bit more complicated when you want to use a cloud HR system. With a cloud HR in place in order to track employee attendance effectively, you will either have to use time clock which is recommended by cloud HR vendor or will need to get some costly customizations done in your end to get your time clocks working with the cloud-based HR app.

Isn’t there any other simple solution? Yes, there is. A recent update by IceHrm team provides a simple solution for this issue. It is called Photo Attendance. This lets your employees take a photo of him/her at the office or at any place you want them to be via the webcam when punching in or out. Photo Attendance

Even with this method obviously, there will be a lot of ways to get around. But most of the employees won’t risk doing it might not be difficult to find misuses of the system with some proper auditing.

