50 Things I have learnt from StartNG

Oluwafemi oluwatobi S.
5 min readApr 26, 2020

Hello guys,I hope you are enjoying the lock down at your various comfort zones. As for me i have decided to keep my mind and brain busy so as to escape from boredom by participating in StartNG coding journey which has been educative and fun. I will be sharing the list of things i learnt in my journey with StartNG

1.GIT: this is a vital too every software developer most know how to use,Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. It is designed for coordinating work among programmers, but it can be used to track changes in any set of files.

2. GITHUB: i learnt about this great tools for developers ,GitHub is a Git repository hosting service.

3.PHP: This is backend language for web development.

4.Validation of data: I learnt how to validate user data with use of php and python.

5.Software Testing: This is the act of carrying out activities that ensure the standard and quality of an applications are met.

6.Software Testing Life Cycle(STLC):This simply is the start and end of the test of a software in a Software Development Life Cycle. It involves creating necessary documentation needed for the tests, testing the product and creating test reports.

7.Functional test and Non-functional test: These are the two major category of software testing.

8.Python: This is a programming language and it is multipurpose,it can be used to create web app, mobile app, desktop app, machine learning, data science etc.

9.Google Docs: I learnt how to create files using the google docs service and sharing the links to different people

10.Building A Guessing Game: I built a guessing using the python language.

11. UI/UX: With the StartNG youtube channel,i learnt about UI/UX and i designed some pages for myself.

12.Python webFrameWorks: python has a couple of frameworks which are Django, Flask and web2py

13. Cloudinary: This is image hosting resources very useful to share image and retain actual quality

14. Figma: This a tools for UI/UX, it is use for designing web pages ,applications and mobile applications .

15.HTML: this is a markup language use for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.

18.CSS(Cascading Style Sheet): Cascading style sheets are used to format the layout of Web pages. They can be used to define text styles, table sizes etc.

19.Database: is a systematic collection of data databases support storage and manipulation of data.

20.Relational Database: This is a type of database. It uses a structure that allows us to identify and access data in relation to another piece of data in the database.

​21.Non-Relational Database: This use a storage model that is optimized for the specific requirements of the type of data being stored.

22.MongoDB: This is a non-relational database

23.Creating Database: I learnt how to create database to store user details

24.Installation Of Database: I was able to install different types of database and implement them in my codes

25:Clubhouse: i learnt how to use clubhouse for projects management it is a very good software.

26.JAVA: A very powerful multipurpose language it can be used to create games,mobile apps,application server and so much more

27. Javascript: This is a web scripting language,it makes a website interactive. it goes along with HTML and CSS.

28. NodeJs: This is a javascript engine/framework that run javascript on the server side(Backend)

29.GO: This is a multi purpose language, initially designed to serve as a systems programming language (Operating systems, network code, drivers, database servers etc.).Currently, you can use Go for Web development, OS development, embedded systems, build large scale infrastructure, micro services etc

30.Comment: This is use to make other programmers understand your codes and it makes the code neat.

31.Domain: This is use for hosting website

32. Parked Domain: This is a domain bought and left unused i.e it doesn’t link to any websites

33.Sub-Domain: This is a Domain under another Domain. Example of such is Start.ng and Dev.start.ng

34.Application programming Interface(API): This is a computing interface to a software component or a system, that defines how other components or systems can use it.

35.Code Editors: This are use for writing and editing codes written by programmers.

36. Vscode: this a code editor which i learnt how to use effectively

37.Debugging: I learnt how to effectively debug my codes to see why it is not working and resolve it.

38. Slack: i understood how to use this work space to flow and relate with other interns

39.Principle of software development: I learnt the guiding principle to develop a software with proper documentation

40.Test Driven Development: This is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the code is improved so that the tests pass.

41.Color: I learnt about color theory and how to select the right colors for UI design so as not to hurt the users eyes and also deliver a good job.

42.Xampp: i learnt how to use xampp to create localserver and test run php codes To see if the codes is working well and all functionality are working before deploying to an online server.

43.SSL(secure socket layer): It is an encryption later applied to domain names as they communicate with the server.

44.DNS(Domain Name System): This is what allows your domain name to be mapped to a server,

45.Hashing Password: I learnt how to hash a password so as to prevent an hacker from having access to the users password. which gives the user more privacy.

46.pushing to Git: I learnt how to push my codes to github directly from my command prompt ,which helps to track changes easily.

47.PEP8: i learnt about the PEP8 style guide use to write python codes in a standard way avoiding any form of error.

48.pycharm: i was introduced to this python IDE which is very good for web development

49.jupyterBook: This is another python IDE i was introduced to,this is good for writing machine learning codes beacuse the codes are excuted line by line

50.Brain Storming: I learnt how to brain storm like a developer and solve algorithms .

