Crypto Waves

3 min readMar 12, 2019

Crypto comes and goes in waves. One moment crypto is in boom and in another a bubble. There are lots of people who look at cryptocurrency from one perspective only and that is money making. They’d invest because it sounds exciting and what sounds exciting is sure to make any human insane especially when it gives out crazy numbers like 3500USD per bitcoin or 6000USD per bitcoin.

People think of blockchain and cryptocurrency as only means of money making instead of going for the knowledge. The yearning to learn what a blockchain is, what it does and what is cryptocurrency. There are tons of courses online that will teach any individual how to make smart contracts or even start their own blockchain. We, at icetoken, encourage people to learn first and then invest because that’s how it should be. Otherwise, you can always find tons of forums online where you can find people in a dilemma asking “what to do because they lost …. this much worth of cryptocurrency or that or became victims of hack or breach”.

Don’t just invest in cryptocurrency, don’t just read “blockchain” like it’s a mere word. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency is the future. Read about them, learn about them, impart what you’ve learnt to other people. Create your own blockchain, make your own smart contracts, sell your skilled blockchain related services online. There are a plethora of opportunities waiting for you, all you have to do is have a PLAN and ACT.

How about we think about two fundamental patterns in the space:

Blockchain as a technology — there is an atomic weapons contest for the following best blockchain. Cryptocurrency as an upsetting power — this demonstrations to destabilize and disturb the world’s money related and state performers.

Blockchain as an innovation is generally benevolent and network/buyer centered. It will serve to open up more straightforwardness and coordinated effort in different world markets.

Cryptocurrency as a troublesome power is beginning to develop as an old story for the advanced age — for example unregulated ‘disorder’ versus straightforward request. This is the fight between network based independence, security and namelessness — versus straightforwardness, consistence and stately request.

If you plan to be in development for cryptocurrency or any blockchain platform, following are the four key areas for focus in the development of internal or industry wide blockchain platforms:

· Make the business case: organizations can start small, but need to set out clearly the purpose of the initiative so other participants can identify and align around it.

· Build an ecosystem: Participants should come together from different companies in an industry to work on a common set of rules to govern blockchains. Of the 15% of survey respondents who already have live applications, 88% were either leaders or active members of a blockchain consortium.

· Design deliberately around what users can see and do: Partners need rules and standards for access permissions. Involving risk professionals including legal, compliance, cybersecurity — from the start will ensure blockchain frameworks that regulators and users can trust.

· Navigate regulatory uncertainty: The study warns that blockchain developers should watch but not wait as regulatory requirements will evolve over the coming years. It’s vital to engage with regulators to help shape how the environment evolves.

That’s it. There are always more points to keep in mind, but I believe the above four covers the main and most basic of points. Below you’d find one my favorite quotes of all time from a book I read during my childhood.

Don’t work for money, let the money work for you. — Robert Kiyosaki.

The above quote is from the famous book “Rich Dad — Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki.” Before you even begin investing, I personally recommend you to read this book, it’s a real eye opener.




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