Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Hedging with Gold goes Crypto!

Richard Robb
6 min readSep 6, 2020


Covid Times

Historically, it is common practice to protect your assets and investments against inflation and deflation. Today is no different! Matter of fact, in this topsy turvy world of Covid that we live in today, it is critical to protect your investments by hedging against inflation and deflation. Throughout history, gold has been sought after to achieve this peace of mind.

When inflation rises, the value of fiat currencies decrease, hence people tend to hold money in the form of gold. So, when inflation remains high over longer periods, gold becomes a tool to hedge against inflationary conditions and this ushers in an increase in gold prices due to demand of gold during inflationary time periods.

During a deflationary depression, the benefit of gold is that if there is deflation, gold only needs to hold its value in terms of fiat currency in order to provide absolute gains in purchasing power.

Just as gold is a great way to hedge against fiat currencies and market investments, it can be equally protective of cryptocurrencies and crypto markets. Apollo Fintech has had the forsight to bring gold to the cryptosphere to do just that! They have developed a stable coin backed by gold called GSX.

Apollo Fintech

In the world of blockchain, Apollo fintech set out to change the world with a platform providing all of the features and products to be used in everyday life while insuring the rights and freedoms remain in control of each individual person. Their native decentralized currency on the Apollo blockchain, Apollo Currency (APL), is an all-in-one cryptocurrency with the most feature-rich wallet all in 100% control of the owner who holds the private key (passphrase). At transaction verification speeds of 1–2 seconds, it is one of the fastest blockchains, if not the fastest in the world. For more information about Apollo Fintech and Apollo Currency, see my previous article.

Art work provided by Natalie Z. (Apollo community sanctioned)


The first of it’s kind, GSX is a gold backed stable coin that not only remains stable against fiat currency, but also increases in asset value continually. Benefits of GSX to you as an owner include a minimum asset value like a stable coin, while making it easier to grow in value like traditional cryptocurrencies, and topping it off with offering dividends to you as the holder. More importantly, GSX is trust secured not only meeting the definition of a stable coin, but also allowing it to grow in value and pay dividends.

Assets & Dividends

How can a stable coin also increase in asset value and pay dividends? As the CEO of Apollo Fintech likes to say, ‘hold my f…g beer (#HMFB) and I will show you!’. It all starts with Apollo Fintech’s 3,000+ acre gold mine, equipment, and buildings of which the asset value has been set at $.046 per GSX. As gold is produced from the mine, 50% of the gold produced (after expansion and expenses), will be added to the trust backing GSX and raising its value higher. The other 50% will be utilized to pay dividends to you as a GSX holder.

Wait, it doesn’t stop there! Apollo Fintech will continue to acquire new gold and precious metal rich lands and continually expand mining operations, perpetually adding to asset value of your GSX. Now give the beer back before you drop it along with your jaw.

The assets of the trust for GSX will include physical gold and mines. Many large mines and a refinery will be added, and these mines will include gold mines, a copper mine, tantalum mine, nickel mine and lithium mine(all other precious metals and stones will be sold in order to purchase more physical gold). What is the roadmap or goal of GSX trust growth? With a total current asset trust backing of $1.4 billion, Apollo Fintech claims that by the end of the first year the minimum goal is $7 billion in assets, followed by $20 billion in assets by the end of the second year, and by the end of the 3rd year a whopping $30 billion in assets.

Investment security & Auditing

As a GSX holder, you are the trust beneficiary of the companies involved, the mines, all equipment and building, the future refinery and all land rights, gold and metals therein. What does this mean? It means that even if anything ever happen to Apollo Fintech, the assets could and would be sold for distribution directly to you and any other GSX holders!

What would security be without auditing? Well, GSX’s gold and metal reserves both are and will be continously audited by some of the most respected auditing firms, such as BVA.

Art work provided by Natalie Z. (Apollo community sanctioned)

Holding an asset that will grow by increase of asset trust value, increase in gold value, and by demand for the set supply of GSX will hold unprecidented desires to invest. Now add the fact that you as a GSX holder is entitled to be paid dividends yearly on 50% of all gold and metals mined or refined after expenses and expansion, and the fact that you as a GSX holder will be entitled to a significant portion of transaction fees from Apollo Fintech’s products such as the National Payment Platform, which is developed to run economies.

Apollo Fintech is offering up to10 billion coins during their Coin Distribution Event (CDE). In order to increase the value of your investment during the CDE, at the end of the CDE, Apollo Fintech will burn up to 50% of the GSX that is unsold. This limits the supply and increases the demand once GSX is on exchanges. In addition to being able to trade and exchange GSX after CDE, your GSX will be redeemable for it’s gold value in order to maintain a more constant price. However, it’s price could trade much higher than it’s asset value due to demand so it has the growth benefits of traditional cryptocurencies know today, like BTC, with a potential base asset value that would prevent it from sinking drastically as other coins did during the 2017 bull run. So with the additon of dividends, GSX holders will have the benefit of all three of the best investment options in crypto. This is the true meaning of hedging gold or as they say, ‘hedge your bets’.

Of course, GSX is built on the secure ledger of the Apollo Blockchain. So since the Apollo blockchain is the first to intergrate Apollo Fintech’s product, Quantum Steel cryptography algorithm, GSX will be one of the first Quantum Resistant stable coins. This secures your investment against Quantum computing, the number one greatest threat to blockchain at the moment.

Investor Participation

Finally, have you ever wanted to be more involved with your asset investments? Well according to Apollo Fintech CEO Steve McCullah, “you as a GSX holder will be able to visit and stay at the main mine in the future at the GSX Visitors Center. You will also be able to participate in elements of the mining, such as testing out equipment, watching explosives, prospection with the Apollo Fintech pros, testing, and many more experiences that offer the true Gold Rush thrill.” There is even talk with production companies allowing GSX holders the ability to be a part of the action from home.

How to Invest

In today’s world, there may be no better time to invest or hedge on your investments with gold. So, here is one of the best and most innovative ways to do so with Apollo Fintech, Apollo Currency APL, and their gold backed stable coin GSX.

Of course, always do your own research. The pre-sale to the CDE of GSX is currently running. Purchases can be made with fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies including BTC, ETH, and many others. By pre-sale they mean, you have an early investment opportunity to not only receive GSX at the $0.046 price, but to also receive a bonus of 38% more GSX (at the time of writing article) with your investment. This pre-sale bonus will reduce every 48 hours, so time is of the essence if you wish to maximize your ROI. In addition, for a limited time, there is a quantity bonus for purchases as follows:

50,000+ GSX = 5% bonus

500,000+ GSX=10% bonus

5,000,000+ GSX =15% bonus

Also for a limited time, if you wish to invest today, you can use this referral link for an additional 5% bonus on all quantities.

To do your research, you can reach Apollo Fintech or GSX websites for white papers and roadmaps.



Richard Robb

Writing about the utilization of emerging Blockchain and Cryptocurrency technology for business!