Introducing ICmoji Legends

5 min readMar 15, 2022


It has only been 6 months since we wrote our first Medium article detailing the motivation behind this incredibly unique and versatile NFT project on the Internet Computer (IC), the most advanced blockchain in the world.

A lot of exciting things have happened with ICmojis in these past 6 months. To summarize quickly:
- We expanded the first collection with an additional set of 30 ICmojis, many of them animated.
- Released ICmoji Origins, which is still the only proper NFT game on the IC, winning the second DSCVR hackathon and now clocking in over 5,500 players.
- Many of our players have won airdrops by playing ICmoji Origins.
- We released Tournament Mode where players battle in weekly tournaments
- The ICmojis Portal joined a short list of NFT gated Portals on DSCVR to help pioneer NFT gated communities on the IC.

We appreciate everyone who has been playing, supporting the project and chatting with us over Discord, Telegram and DSCVR. Today we turn our attention to ICmoji Legends, the biggest leap in ICmojis’ history — A 10,000 collection featuring dynamic expressions with pseudo random positions, a first on the IC that we haven’t seen anywhere else, including other blockchains (more on this later), with 100+ backgrounds, cool accessories and much more. Let’s dive in!

A 10k ICmoji Collection

While the IC community loved collecting and playing with our 60 handcrafted ICmojis, we understand many collectors love to seek out unique and rare mints, or just ICmojis that they really speak to them. And we hear you. ICmoji Legends offer incredible variety, each with a unique expression, style, with many colors accessories and backgrounds. When you take a look at the collection it feels like each of these mints were designed manually — because they kind of are — let us explain.

Position Matters

Human emotions are incredibly nuanced and varied. It therefore comes naturally that emojis being used in communication are no different. While companies like Apple and Google are limited to designing a handful of expressions to capture most human emotions, we are not. If we wanted to, we could even design / generate 10,000 unique expressions, and that’s exactly what we did.

Unlike most collections where you have certain assets such as eyes and mouths fixed in certain places, we decided to create dynamic positioning for the eyes and mouth of the ICmojis. This way even two ICmojis that use the same eyes / mouth can look completely different, expressing very different emotions. We believe this positioning aspect is a revolutionary leap forward in NFT design that allows this collection to stand out as completely unique.

These ICmojis are happy, sad, angry but also they started creating themes we haven’t anticipated. For example one ICmoji might look like it can’t wait to finally eat her sushi, one is disappointed with his, the other is surprised he even got one, or even a chef that wants to poison you with it.

And this is just one of many, many examples of the unique personalities that have been created. In total there are little over 4.5 million possible expressions due to this dynamic positioning as well as the large number of assets we created. Out of these we manually hand picked 10,000 that we believe best represent what ICmojis should be. If you include all other assets we have 139,443,273,446,400 possible combinations (maybe an IC record?).

We have rainbow colored pizza lovers, humble kings, creepy romantics, CyberPunk robots, confused Lakers fans, laser eyed drunks (aka university students), Bitcoin maximalists, leprechauns and anything in between.

And no, these are not the 8 best ICmojis we could find. These are random examples pulled out of the collection so you can expect this level and even better, funnier, more versatile mints from the rest of collection. This is also the first ICmoji collection to include special ICmoji Pets.

Holder Benefits & Pricing

ICmoji Legends holders will receive many benefits, including an ICmoji token airdrop when Adventures is released, beta testing, special giveaways, and more. Speaking of giveaways, we’ve just started a mega giveaway on Twitter where we are giving away 25 ICmoji Legends airdrops, winners will be announced on the 18th so click here to enter now!

And that brings us to pricing. Based on the current price of ICP this is what we’ve decided on:

1 Mint = 2.5 ICP
10 Mints = 23 ICP
20 Mints = 42 ICP

Being whitelisted will earn you an additional 0.1 off each mint, so 20 mints becomes 40 ICP for example.

This makes the cost of Legends a little less than the original ICmojis (on average) when factoring in the lower price of ICP.

ICmoji Adventures

All of these ICmojis are going to be unique playable characters in our upcoming game called ICmoji Adventures. We have written a separate article about how the game will work, but let’s share a few bits here as well.

What we are most excited about is the fact that you will be able to not only play and earn using your ICmoji Legends, but upgrade and level up the Legends you acquire to earn even more rewards. Maybe you have a favorite that you want to bring to maximum level, or assemble a team with different abilities. All of these items you see in the collection will have special in-game purpose, so make sure you collect a bit of everything before others decide to hoard them up. We’re working on exact details, keep an eye on our Discord / DSCVR for news.

We would like to thank you for reading our short summary of what’s to come this Friday (18th of March at 3 PM UTC) and for all the support from ICmoji fans all around the world! We wish you the best of luck minting your favorite ICmojis! We know we are going to be picking up our favorites from the Marketplace after minting. We’ll let mint 5448 wave goodbye… wait he’s not listening, never mind.

Discord | Telegram | Website | Play ICmoji Origins | Buy ICmojis

