A modern craft brewery. What is it?

Satoshi Brewery
5 min readOct 31, 2017


In this article we will discuss heart Satoshi Brewery — brewing equipment.

The success and popularity of any craft brewery is defined by:

1. The talent and professionalism of the brewer.

2. The level of technology of brewing equipment

In this article we will tell you what level of technology of brewing equipment we chose.

With the equipment had a lot of questions. What brewing equipment should I choose? Was there an upgrade? Is there a service this brewing equipment or to repair it yourself? How many employees needed and what qualifications? A lot of criteria: cost, performance, quality workmanship, efficiency, etc.

We were chosen from many proposals. Complexes semi-automatic and automatic type from different manufacturers breweries from Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, USA, Ukraine, China, etc.

Compare all offers and repeatedly recalculating the Economics of the project, we decided that the heart of Satoshi Brewery should be brewing equipment “ZIP technologies” from Hungary

Why «ZIP technologies»?

  1. Full automation of production processes.
  2. Efficient production
  3. The application of advanced technologies, including the introduction of own development technologies.
  4. High level of warranty and post-warranty service.
  5. «ZIP technologies» is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of brewing equipment.
Satoshi Brewery equipment layout plan

Description brewery complex:

The brewhouse

The brewhouse Satoshi Brewery will have 5 vessel brewhouse with a capacity of up to 320 hectoliters per day (assuming brewing beer low and medium density).

Through the use of advanced technologies and full automation production processes, the specialists of «ZIP technologies» was able to achieve a significant increase in the productivity of the equipment while retaining the traditional brewing method.

The main features of the brewhouse are:

  1. Gravity grist hydrator, allowing, even before filing in mash tun to mix crushed malt with water.
  2. Lauter tun with a capacity of 60 hectoliters (gross) is equipped with a pneumatic ejection system mash and a bunker to store it.
  3. This capacity will allow, to release wort boiler, pour the hot wort from filter tank.
  4. Automatic multi capacitive system hopping.

In 2019–2020 year it is planned to further increase brewhouse performance.

The fermentation compartment

In the fermentation room will be installed 16 tanks with a capacity of 120 hectoliter and 14 tanks with a capacity of 80 hectoliters. Tanks are versatile and designed for fermentation and storage of beer. Each tank will be equipped with automation components — the “ZIP level”, allowing to measure and display all parameters of beer.

For the 2019–2020 year is planned to increase the fermentation compartment. In addition, it will set 9 tanks with a capacity of 240 hectoliter and 4 tanks with a capacity of 120 hectoliter.

Filling station

Filling station is equipped with a line filling line into glass bottles with a capacity of 6000 bottles / h., And the beer filling line in disposable keg, the keg capacity of 20 / h.

One system

All elements of the brewhouse, fermentation and Filling station will be combined with a system of pipelines that automatically pump liquids, supply detergents, deliver and remove gases.


All production processes in the brewery are monitored and controlled by a centralized automation system — ZIP-matic, which allows to fully automate the brewing process.

  • Automatic water topping up for mashing
  • Automated mashing process
  • Automated lautering process, particularly with the clarity meter device which constantly tracks the clarity of the mash, automatically adjusting the speed of rotation
  • Automated spent grain removal
  • Automated wort heating and boiling, with notification of time to add hops to hops infusing vessel
  • Automated pumping into whirlpool
  • Automated chilling, control of temperatures and flow speed
  • Automated fermentation process, control of temperature and pressure
  • Automated cleaning of the brewhouse
  • Automated cleaning of all fermentation vessels and serving tanks
  • Automated cleaning of all pipes and plate heat exchanger
  • Beer recipe set up and archiving
  • Various user levels
  • Archiving of all operations data
  • View of the status of all sensors and valves
  • Ability to switch to manual mode at any point. All manual moves are archived
  • Remote control and remote troubleshooting


Creating new recipes craft beer is a creative and laborious process. It takes a long time and is associated with a large number of experimental brews.

On Satoshi Brewery will be installed a small brewery — the lab. Which will with little cost, to debug any recipe.

We invite You to participate in creating the most advanced and modern сraft brewery in Russia lobal.

Sincerely, team “Satoshi Brewery”

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