Team Satoshi Brewery

Satoshi Brewery
4 min readNov 10, 2017


A year ago, yet none of us thought that we will become a team. People, United by the same ideas, one aspiration, one desire.

And, behold, a man appeared, enthusiastic and motivated — it was Andrey Leshchenko. He brought us together, inspired and infected by his idea — the idea of creation of craft brewery.

He said: “We will do that to us no one else did. We will create a brand new modern craft brewery, and for that we will talk about it around the world and invite everyone to become a member of our project.”

We present you our team:

Andrey Leshchenko

Role in the project: The founder of the project.

Age: 25 years old

Education: Graduated from Murmansk state technical university in 2011. Specialization — organization management.

Experience: Working in real estate for over 7 years. In 2015 established real estate Agency “MIC real estate”, which is headed at the present time.

Hobbies: Football, extreme sports, skiing

Our leader, inspirer and ideologist. Loves craft beer and believes that every person should have the right to choose…

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Alexander Akhtyamov

Role in the project: Project Manager

Age: 21 years old

Education:He graduated from the Murmansk state technical University in 2017. Specialization — worldwide economy.

Experience: From 2015 to 2016 worked as a marketer in the real estate Agency “MIC real estate”.

Hobbies: Stance

The most ambitious and active team member. His efforts, our project came to ICO.

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Vladimir Cherny

Role in the project: Brewer. Adviser on brewing craft.

Age: 36 years old

Education: He graduated from the East Siberian State Technological University in 2003. Specialization is the technology of production and organization of public catering.

Experience: For several years he worked at public catering establishments, in 2005 he became interested in home brewing. In 2009 he opened his own mini brewery, since 2013 he has been consulting for the production in the sphere of beverages and brewing.

Hobbies: Fishing

Knows, knows how and likes to make beer. He believes that there should be no stereotypes in brewing.


Dmitry Kolbin

Role in the project: Adviser on legal issues.

Age: 35 years old.

Education: He graduated from the Ural State Academy in 2004. Specialization — a civilization.

Experience: Worked in the prosecutor’s office, The Federal Tax Service of Russia, in PJSC Sberbank. Currently engaged in legal assistance, cooperates with the Moscow collegium of advocates.

Hobby: Restoration of BMW cars.

Master of non-standard legal solutions. Believes that understanding a situation is more important than knowledge of the law. But the law also need to know.

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Alexey Brikunov

Role in the project: Financial Manager

Age: 42 years old

Education: He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Law in 1999. Specialization — finance and credit.

Experience: In the banking sector more than 20 years(Agroprombank, TRUST, Rosselkhozbank, Sobinbank, MDM Bank), of which 10 are in senior positions.

Hobby: Fishing, pottery

The most serious member of the team. Professional conviction - the success of any business begins with a well thought out financial plan.

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Olga Burkova

Role in the project: PR-Manager

Age: 22 years old

Education: Graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics in 2017. Specialization — communication technologies and public relations.

Experience: Assistant to the head of PR-department “Baltika”, PR-specialist

Hobbies: Writer.

The only girl in the team. He believes that a PR specialist should know about everything little and everything about the sphere where he works.

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Anatoly Babenko

Role in the project: Technical advisor

Age: 44 years old

Education: He graduated from the Industrial Pedagogical College in 1996. Specialization — master of production training, engineer of radio-instrument making.

Experience: Supply Engineer «Sevrybholodflot» LLC, commercial Director «North-West Electromechanical Association». Currently he is the head of «Electrotechnics» LLC.

Hobby: electronics, radio engineering.

Handyman. Сredo— why buy if you can do it yourself.


We are glad to get acquainted!

Sincerely, team “Satoshi Brewery”

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