Becoming a savedroid Superheroe

Inside savedroid
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2018

We are now growing faster than ever. Just to remind you, we have recently launched our new crypto savings app. Already available in Apple Store and Play Store.

We’d like to share with you how our hiring process looks like. Perhaps you — yes, you! are interested in joining our “spacecraft”. A spacecraft that has already lifted off and is heading TO THE MOON! 🚀

1. All of our job openings are listed on our webpage.

Please feel free to check if anything interests you! Do not worry if at first sight, you don’t feel qualified enough, or you don’t speak German. We agree with Einstein:

”Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

Albert Einstein, What Life Means to Einstein (1929)

We’re an international company. Hence, we use English daily as the main language of communication. We employ pros and fintech enthusiasts from all over the world including Belarus, Brasil, Canada, China, Croatia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Ukraine, Vietnam.

As you see, the background is not relevant to us. It’s rather about your personality and what you are willing to bring to the table.

We try to custom every job opening that we post. Sometimes we use a frivolous language to distinguish ourselves from the corporate world. However, don’t be mistaken in thinking we are not professional in what we do. Combining work with passion — this is what we are best at. We’re a startup company that has maintained a presence on the market for 4 years. We promise though, it’s just the beginning for us.

If, for some reason, you have a strong desire to work with us, even though the offer for such a position is not on our webpage, apply anyway — contact us! We are always happy to consider every applicant.

2. If the screening process goes well, we’ll invite you for a first interview! But no need to worry if it doesn’t, we certainly won’t leave you without information about it and a clear explanation of why you were discarded!

But here, we want to focus on the positive outcome. 😉

So, imagine an interview date suitable to both sides is set. You think probably right now that it will include a half-an-hour talk with you sitting in front of our founders who are conducting an interrogation about your previous experience and educational background. Nothing could be further from the truth here! We try to schedule interviews around lunchtime, for instance between 11 a.m. — 2 p.m. Yet, if only a weekend or an evening suits you, we are also fine with that!

3. That next step is a trial day. Trial days always take place on a weekday from 10 a.m., with a 30 min. lunch in-between. During a trial day, you are given potential tasks/challenges that you may need to face while working with us. We believe that it is a fair solution for both sides, you and us, to find out if you 1) enjoy the working environment, 2) get on well with the rest of the team, and 3) are a suitable candidate for the selected position. At the end of the day, both parties have a clear view of what is expected from them, and what we can offer to each other.

4. After 7 p.m. we are happy to invite you for some beer in our lovely kitchen. At our cost. 😉 So again, you can comfortably spend some time and chat with the whole team about not only work but also about hobbies and interests as well! We all agree on this fact — it is better to work with people who do not see each other as competition, but rather as parts of the same machine. Of course, it can only work effectively if all the machine parts work together.

In a nutshell, this is the savedroid hiring process. We would like to also stress the fact that we are happy to take into consideration those applicants, who do not live in Frankfurt permanently, but are willing to relocate!

5. Last but not least, we want you to give us fair and constructive criticism because there are always things we can improve! Don’t ever be afraid to share your honest, yet, objective opinion with us!

Now, don’t wait any longer — apply…

[personality²] + professional excellence = savedroid’s recruiting formula

Personality is worth as much as skill.

Your savedroid Team

