2 min readDec 11, 2018


Meet our newest member of the Advisory Board — Dr. Michael Rundshagen.

Hello everyone!

We would like to introduce to you a special someone, our newest member of the Advisory Board — Dr. Michael Rundshagen. Mike has been working with us since January 2018 and two months ago he joined the Advisory Board. We couldn’t be happier to have such an experienced professional in our team. We strongly believe that gathering people with a different experience and diverse background is the key to success. We choose our team members very carefully, though, age or qualifications are not here the deciding factor. It’s rather the character that plays the first fiddle. We are looking for people who believe — if there’s a will, there’s a way.

What makes then Michael such a good fit for savedroid?

For starters, Michael has over 25 years of experience in management and consulting with an interest in fintech, AI and blockchain. After graduating from industrial engineering at the University of Karlsruhe and receiving a PhD in business/managerial economics at the University of Mannheim, Michael went on to become an investor and adviser. He co-founded Traxpay AG, presided over Cognizant and served as a business angel for start-ups such as savedroid. He offers consulting in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

You can follow him on twitter:

It’s a great pleasure to have him on board. Big welcome to Michael! 👋

In one of the articles Michael said: “In just a few years, artificial intelligence (AI) will be the most important difference between those […] who are very successful and those who are lagging behind.” Let’s work together on great things then!

We want you guys to get to know everybody from the team. It’s important for us to stress the fact that real people are working here, so that we all can see a little bit more and reach a little bit further 😉

Rome wasn’t built in a day but we are getting there! To the moon! 🚀

savedroid’s Team

