Meet Tobias, savedroid’s new Community Manager

4 min readJun 4, 2018


Tobias Goldmann — Community Manager

Tobias Goldmann (31) studied Economical Politics and History in Jena and started an online drugstore business with friends. He is very interested in crypto and he is convinced that cryptocurrency is a thing that will bypass our lives for the next years & most likely decades!

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Hi savedroiders,

My name is Tobias and I’m the new Community Manager of savedroid. Three weeks ago I started here and tried to get an overview about everything, what is quite a lot! In my first week there was the AMA about the exchange voting. Then the savedroid Community BBQ took place at our office in Frankfurt. The night was nice, and I got in contact with a lot of people from our Community.

I followed the discussions on Telegram, Twitter etc., worked with the support system and answered support e-mails and all kind of feedback from our Community. The action to inform the Community about all the scam happening, which threatens the sustainability of the ICO market was the main focus of the discussion after I started with savedroid. In my opinion the action was good and bad at the same time. We need to genuinely appologize, because we gave our token buyers an emotionally very hard time durig there 24 hours of our action. Another way of communication these issues would have been better for sure. But we have also learned our lesson and will never repeat such an action for sure.

On the other hand, the motivation behind the action was clearly positive. The crypto scene is very young, unregulated and there is a lot of space for scammers and betraying around everything related to crypto. An ICO is the best thing happening for scammers and fakers, to manipulate people, that aren’t into crypto as deep as the most of you guys are.

For new token buyers coming into the scene we have to build up an environment, that is acting and behaving professional and not only playing it. Sure, the World Wide Web is full of scammers and fakers, but this can’t count as an argument to not do anything. We have to take action against them and minimize the possibility of scamming, faking, and betraying in the crypto market in general and the ICO market in specific. Therefore, we need to develop and establish higher ICO quality standards to make this market sustainable.

While savedroid was in the ICO, we faced a lot of scammers and thought about making it public, just to show everyone what is happening and what can happen. savedroid got a large number of token buyers, that aren’t into crypto at all. So, there are a lot of people, that don’t know what a wallet is, what the wallet is for and how to use it, for example. As you guys know, there is a big possibility for a scam in this process, but these guys maybe don’t know.

The scene has to grow more professional in the next years, and it will grow. More and more people are interested in crypto around the world. It isn’t a little circle of people anymore. Crypto will have a very high impact of our daily life and it will make money-based processes a lot easier in the near future.

Just two thoughts about the Community Voting for the exchange. The voting result is fine for me, because it represents our Community directly. We have discussed the process within the Team and we think that this way it is the most democratic, to get a fair result out of the voting. Also, this way, we’re accepting the personal interests of every token buyer at the same time. One vote for one SVD is also fair in my opinion. Small token buyers are there to max their purchase and that’s why they want to be in the exchange ASAP. Token buyers with a bigger ticket are typically interested in a good start at the exchange and hence, a portfolio of 5 big exchanges is more appealing to them. Giving 1 SVD = 1 vote, we got our result and we will now execute this Community Voting result!

That’s it for now I guess guys. If you want to get in touch with me, message me via e-mail (, that’s the best way at all. I’m also online at Telegram (@TobiasKs), but not 24/7. Maybe we will also meet up at some conference and/or the next Community Events. Act like an adult and you will get treated as one. Please don’t hate all around, nobody is perfect including me and you! 😉

Tobias Goldman

