savedroid ICO announcement: Why the world needs a crypto simplifier

2 min readDec 13, 2017


Cryptocurrencies for everyone — Germany´s savedroid AG enters the ICO arena with its pledge to democratize the market.

Currently, the crypto world is like a deep jungle for many who have not grown up with bitcoin, wallets, coins etc. The incredible hype around bitcoin has raised many people´s attention. But still the adoption barriers for mass market users are extremely high. Just think about the selection of a crypto exchange, the registration, maintaining a wallet and storing private keys.

Honestly, the user experience along the entire user journey completely sucks — and it keeps many from getting into the details of a cryptocurrency investment. No doubt, there are great crypto companies with cool products out on the market. But we at savedroid firmly believe that dealing with cryptocurrencies has to become much easier in order to reach the next growth step and to make cryptos available to the masses.

That´s why we are building a user interface that will make a cryptocurrency investment just as simple as a savings account. Our mission is to eliminate adoption barriers and make cryptocurrencies accessible for everyone! savedroid will conveniently convert users saving from euro or US dollars to bitcoin, Ethereum and Co.

Absolutely no need for a separate crypto exchange, no personal wallet and no private key handling. We aim to reduce the complexity of crypto investments to a level that the mass market already knows (and accepts) when dealing its private finance. This is simplification to the max! We call it the democratization of cryptocurrencies.

In order to finance this project, savedroid is entering the ICO arena. The company will issue a utility token that will be used to purchase crypto services within the savedroid ecosystem. More details to follow on this channel.

Founded in 2015 in Frankfurt/Germany, savedroid has already proved its capability to simplify savings processes. The company has launched Germany’s first intelligent savings app, which has been downloaded more than 200,000 times since. It is savedroid’s goal to help people with putting money aside, using personalized savings rules. These rules — also known as “smooves”, a contraction of “smart saving move” — allow users to turn everyday habits, such as exercising, checking their smartphone, using social media apps or shopping, into pure savings.

savedroid is an award-winning AI platform, which has raised more than €2m capital from various prestigious investors. It is part of Deutsche Börse Fintech Hub and Deutsche Börse Venture Network.

Join us in making the crypto world easier to handle and available to the masses! Visit

For more information about savedroid please check out this infographic:

