savedroid ICO Main Sale Update: High demand for the crypto simplifier token

2 min readFeb 14, 2018


With their ICO, the Frankfurt fintech savedroid is currently celebrating a great success. The Pre-Sale was sold out within a small amount of time — now the Main Sale is going on. The company wants to radically simplify access to cryptocurrencies. But what about the timetable for the implementation of these goals?

savedroid has already had its savings app on the market since 2016 and it has more than 200,000 downloads and millions of savings transactions. But now it’s about transferring the experience gained with fiat currencies to cryptocurrencies and building an unrivaled product.

“Cryptosaving for the masses” — that is the motto that savedroid follows. Handling digital money will be easier than ever for beginners. While the Main Sale of the ICO is currently running, the developers of savedroid are already working with high pressure on the new product. In the second quarter of 2018, a beta version of the new cryptosaving feature based on artificial intelligence will already go live. This feature will only be available for owners of SVD tokens. So it’s another incentive to take part in the savedroid ICO.

In the third quarter of 2018, this feature will be unlocked for all users in Germany. It will initially include Bitcoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash. The SVD token will serve as the sole means of payment for all fees in the app. That means: Everyone who wants to use the crypto services provided by savedroid needs SVD tokens.

The fourth quarter of 2018 will see a regional expansion, as well as an extension to additional Altcoins. The savedroid cryptosaving feature based on artificial intelligence will be available throughout Europe. In addition, further digital currencies such as Ripple, IOTA, Litecoin, DASH and Stellar will be tradeable. And, finally, in the first quarter of 2019, the app will be ready for world-wide launch.

And these are just the short-term plans that savedroid has on its agenda. 2019 will continue with new cryptocurrency features. More on that in the next post. Important is: the SVD Token will be the linchpin for all crypto features from savedroid. The more successful these features will be, the higher the token will be in demand. Each time a token is spent in the app, part of it will be cancelled or burned. The value of the token is secured through this built-in deflation mechanism.

