savedroid ICO — product development recap after Pre-Sale

3 min readJan 29, 2018


As you might have noticed — thanks to our great community — our pre-sale was a great success! We sold 500,000,000 tokens in less than 7 hours, which was overwhelming! Thanks a lot!

Nonetheless, we have to admit that during our pre-sale not everything worked as frictionless as we wished, so, for the product development team, the last two weeks have been dominated by countless nightshifts, tons of caffeine and preparing and improving the processes for buying and enhancing the experience for everyone participating in our ICO, and of course we want to share these with you!

Reserving SVD tokens

Many requests reached us, where people were afraid they wouldn’t be able to get tokens in the main sale.
We understand this and since we got a lot of requests, we want to give you the chance to reserve tokens from now on! These tokens will be reserved so you can make sure to get some.

To reserve your tokens, go to and click on the Button “Reserve Tokens Now”!

Additional to that, you will be able to pre-select your currency and payment method. Also you will be able to enter all necessary information so it’s even easier to buy your tokens instantly once the main sale has started! You will instantly see how much your tokens will cost in the different currencies. Please note that the shown price will most likely differ from the price at the beginning of the main sale. This is due to the rate fluctuations and the fact that 100 SVD always equals exactly 1€ during our main sale.

Minting SVD tokens

Minting the SVD tokens to your wallets is, besides paying for them, surely a critical part of participating in an ICO.
We also know that many of our ICO supporters are more or less new to the topic and we want to make this process as safe and as comfortable as possible. Please check our video:

Automated Wallet Checks

In our pre-sale, lots of payments reached us that came from exchange wallets, although we actually mentioned not to send money from exchange wallets. This was actually no big deal for the payment; it just caused us to match these transactions manually, which took some time and raised our number of support requests by a lot.

Here is an important note: Minting tokens to an exchange wallet would be fatal, because the tokens would be lost. Probably forever!
So we implemented automated checks for the wallet addresses that notify us if the given address is most probably the address of an exchange wallet. How do we do that? Exchange wallets usually have A LOT of transactions. We analyze the number of transactions and how frequently the wallet is used, just making sure we recognize anything like that. Nevertheless, please make sure your wallet address is the right wallet address. If there is a typo in it and the wallet address is theoretically valid — if the address is wrong, your tokens will be minted into the void of the blockchain.

Trial minting

We will provide you with a trial minting functionality that mints 100 SVD to the wallet address you provided, before minting all the tokens. You can choose this option after entering your KYC information. Enable this functionality in your profile on This means that your tokens will be safe until you know that you are able to receive the tokens — only when you received the test-amount on your wallet and are sure your tokens will arrive safely, you can confirm to send everything.

Let savedroid store your tokens securely

We got many requests from users that are new to cryptocurrencies and asked us if we could store their tokens for the moment and the answer is: yes — we will provide that option for you. If you are still unsure how to handle your tokens, you shouldn’t be forced to hurry and make a bad decision. This actually means your tokens won’t be minted until you decide you want them to be minted or, at the latest, will be minted to the savedroid internal wallet, which we will provide for you in mid-2018.

