savedroid’s Vision: “Cryptocurrencies for Everyone!”

5 min readDec 29, 2017


savedroid, the award-winning German FinTech specialized in artificial intelligence (“AI”) saving technology, has geared up to democratize cryptocurrencies: savedroid will create a unique AI fueled ecosystem of crypto saving and investing for the masses. Users will profit from easy access to AI-based crypto saving plans in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin, IOTA, Dash etc. and superior crypto investment opportunities such as portfolios, futures, and ICOs without any technological adoption barriers. savedroid eliminates today’s complex and painful processes as we create a smart User Experience (“UX”) which conveniently auto-converts savings to cryptocurrencies, securely stores them, and makes them easily accessible, tradeable, and spendable. Hence, savedroid is the first German ICO driving crypto inclusion.

savedroid will leverage its existing core assets of state-of-the-art AI technology and great UX based on maximum simplification and emotional gamification to deliver this exceptional value proposition. In fact, savedroid is the very first ICO of a German stock corporation that follows German legislation and regulation to provide participants with the highest level of security.

So, join us in making the crypto world accessible for the masses and finally democratize financial services: Give power to the people!

savedroid is committed to a clear roadmap leveraging its existing core assets:

TODAY AI platform for saving and spending in fiat: Self-learning AI algorithm analyzing and optimizing users’ personal finances to fulfil their wishes and maximize their lifestyle with 200K+ app downloads, 10M+ saving transactions, 4.2 app rating and 97% recommendation rate based on great UX, renowned B2B-Partners such as Deutsche Börse, Wirecard etc, and an experienced diverse team of AI, UX, Tech, Finance, and Marketing experts.

2018 Self-learning AI algorithm enabling convenient crypto saving in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin, IOTA, Dash etc., providing easy access without technological barriers.

2019 Self-learning AI algorithm enabling smart saving and spending in and across cryptocurrencies, providing hassle-free crypto trading and payments.

2020 Self-learning AI algorithm enabling smart investments in cryptocurrency portfolios, futures, and ICOs, providing cost-efficient and diversified returns.

Following this roadmap savedroid brings crypto saving and investing to the masses. Thereby, savedroid consistently extends its value proposition of enabling users to maximize their lifestyle and fulfil their wishes by saving more and spending less without even thinking about it. Through expanding the savedroid ecosystem to cryptos savedroid finally provides average mass market users — like our existing user base — with easy access to cryptocurrencies and enables them to participate in the huge crypto opportunity to fulfil their wishes even faster.

Cryptocurrencies offer many advantages: They are fully decentralized and hence, no bank can charge high fees and no government can take them away, they are fast and offer immediate settlement, and they are also very save, just to name a few.[1] There is only one problem: Complex technological adoption barriers for average mass market users. Therefore, the world needs a crypto simplifier!

Currently, the crypto world is like a deep jungle for many who have not grown up with Bitcoin, wallets, tokens etc. The incredible hype around Bitcoin has raised many people’s attention. But still the adoption barriers for mass market users are extremely high. Just think about the cumbersome selection of a crypto exchange, the registration, selecting and maintaining a wallet, and storing and handling private keys.

Honestly, the user experience along the entire user journey completely sucks — and even worse, it keeps many from getting into cryptocurrency investments. No doubt, there are great crypto companies with cool products out on the market. But we at savedroid firmly believe that dealing with cryptocurrencies has to become much easier in order to reach the next growth step and make cryptos available to the masses.

That’s why we are upgrading our mobile app to make cryptocurrency saving and investing just as simple as taking a photo. Our mission is to eliminate existing adoption barriers and make cryptocurrencies accessible for everyone. savedroid will offer smart and convenient crypto saving and investing. Absolutely no need for separate crypto exchanges, personal wallets, and private key handling. We aim to reduce the complexity of crypto savings and investments to a level that the mass market already knows and accepts when dealing with personal finances. This is simplification to the max. We call it the democratization of cryptocurrencies.

savedroid is the right player to make it happen: Founded in Q4 2015 in Frankfurt/Germany, savedroid has built a proven track record of its capabilities to simplify traditional financial savings processes and drive mass market adoption. savedroid has successfully launched Europe’s first AI-based savings app, which has generated more than 200,000 downloads and more than 10,000,000 saving transactions since its launch in October 2016. savedroid creates significant economic value for mass market users through offering automated savings, i.e., self-learning AI algorithm analyzing users’ checking accounts to identify savings potential and situational relevant spend optimization, e.g., self-learning AI algorithm identifying contract optimization potential for utilities, mobile, banking, insurances etc.

And this is savedroid’s “secret” sauce: Of course, people know that it would make sense to put money aside — in theory. Great wishes do need financing. But in real life, saving money is boring and difficult and it has another major disadvantage: putting money aside for a future goal prevents people from buying a lot of little goodies right on the spot. No good. So in the end, saving money doesn’t feel like a cool thing to do, especially not for younger people.

Then there is savedroid. We are changing this by connecting the saving transaction with users’ individual lifestyle using our AI algorithm. Our approach has three important parts: Firstly, make it easy and allow for micro savings. Secondly, automate it, so that people don’t have to think about it each time they put money aside. Thirdly, connect savings to unique events users personally like or dislike so that saving becomes emotional and cool.

savedroid’s award-winning AI algorithm is based on self-learning “if-this-then-that” rules, called smooves. For the start, users define personal saving goals called “wishes”, i.e., their next summer vacation, a new smartphone or the latest sneakers, so things they want to purchase but can’t afford right now. Then users define personalized events that trigger saving transactions. To give an example, users can set the smoove: Save 5 Euro every time I go running for at least 3 kilometers. Since the savedroid app is connected to the user’s fitness tracker, it notices every time you have been for a run. And since the savedroid app is connected to your bank account as well, it transfers the money to your savedroid savings account. Just like that, fully automated and without the users needing to do anything. Over time, savedroid’s AI learns more about the individual user preferences and suggests personalized smooves to further optimize users’ saving and spending habits and enable them to fulfil their wishes even faster.

In a nutshell, savedroid’s AI makes saving money easy, automated, and cool. And that is what we will now transfer to cryptocurrencies as well. savedroid will transfer the DNA of simplifying crypto saving and investing to provide average mass market users with easy access. Thereby, savedroid will support the growth of the crypto community and chip in its part to make cryptocurrencies the next big thing in our economy.

