Saving with savedroid: Easy, smart and fun

Inside savedroid
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2017

Saving money doesn’t feel like a cool thing to do, especially not for young people. savedroid is changing this by connecting the action of saving with people’s lifestyle. With the company’s ICO, this approach is now extended to cryptocurrencies.

Many people know that it would make sense to put money aside — in theory. Great wishes need financing. But in real life, saving money is boring and difficult, and it has another major disadvantage — putting money aside for a big future target prevents us from buying a lot of little goodies immediately. No good!

Then there is savedroid. Our approach to this problem has three important parts:

First, make it easy.

Second, make it automatic, so that people don’t have to think about it each time they put money aside.

Third, connect it to events that users personally like (or dislike). And just like that, saving becomes cool.

savedroid’s award-winning algorithm is based on little “if-then-rules”, called Smooves. First, users define personal saving targets, i.e. things they want to buy but can’t afford right now. Then they define events that trigger a savings process. To give you an example, you can say: “I want to save 5 euros every time I go running for at least 3 kilometers”. Since the savedroid app is connected to your fitness tracker, it notices every time you have been jogging. And since the savedroid app is connected to your bank account or credit card as well, it transfers the money to your savedroid savings account. Just like that, automatically and without you needing to do anything.

By the way, our most successful Smoove goes like this: “Every time Donald Trump tweets, add 1 euro into my savings account”. Some users have already been able to save up for some really nice wishes with the help of this Smoove. Go figure!

In a nutshell, savedroid makes saving money automatic, easy and cool. And that’s what we will now transfer to cryptocurrencies as well. With the ICO that we have announced just a few days ago, we will transfer the DNA of simplifying the process of saving money to Bitcoin and Co. savedroid is building a user interface that will make a cryptocurrency investment just as simple as a savings account.

The crypto saving by savedroid is designed as a simple and intuitive gate to the crypto world, especially for newbies.

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