ICObusters — Scientific Evaluation of Nafen

ICO busters
3 min readSep 16, 2018


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A project that caught our team’s attention concerns a special material, called alumina nanofibers. Its properties can be applied in areas such as: metallurgy, aerospace industry, marine construction and maintenance. Patents used in Nafen’s project enable conducting research and development in the field of nanotechnology. The implementation of Blockchain technology concerning Nafen’s product may be used in various industries. The business and scientific analysis of the project seems therefore pretty compelling to delve into. This time we’ll take a look at the scientific side.

You can check our scoring methodology right here:

ICO’s website: https://nafen.co/

  1. Team

1.Does the project concern innovative fields such as: AI, IoT, Machine Learning, financial technologies, biotechnology, medical technology?

Nanofibers proposed by Nafen can be used as structural carriers for biotechnology and medicine. The product might be useful when it comes to electronics industry and advanced material engineering. The project combines also IoT with Blockchain technology. 2 p.

2. Do the project’s managers plan a direct contact with scientific research centers/ scientific communities? Yes. 1 p.

3. Is it a spin-off or spin-out company? Spin-off. 2 p.

4. Do the tokens enable the safe exploitation of property rights and the participation in the project by the scientific units? Yes. 1 p.

5. Does the project has a patent product in its offer? (points: a and b are the follow-ups if the answer is positive)

It has — the list of patent products is in the Whitepaper on page 11. Other potential future products are still under the ongoing patent process in the US Patent Office. 1 p.

Sum of points: 3 /3 p.

a) If there is a patent in the project’s offer- does it have the additional necessary legal protection ? Yes, information is available on page 11 and 12 (Whitepaper). 1 p.

b) Is there an explanation of the patent usage? Yes. (e.g. page 27, 28 of the Whitepaper) 1 p.

6. Rating based on the TRL scale. (Technology Readiness Level)

Sum of points: 5 /5 p.

  1. Basic principles and assumptions of a given phenomenon were observed, new technology concepts (TRL 1) 1 p.
  2. The technology concept was formulated: defined issue, analytical tools made for testing (TRL 2) 1 p.
  3. Alpha version or Proof of Concept, preliminary testing and the verification confirming the validity of the concept (TRL 3–4) 1 p.
  4. testing in a close-to-real environment, demonstration of the prototype already in the operational environment (TRL 5–8) 1 p.
  5. Beta,mvp; full readiness after testing, working product (TRL 9) The product is already an existing nano material. 1 p.

7. Evaluation of the intellectual good; significance for the scientific progress:
Is the project dedicated to a wider group of users and is it focused on the mutual interaction between both? The ability to adapt to different customer needs; Does the project desire to improve the environment, health, general security?

Materials with more advanced properties enhance the products durability thus reducing the dependency on raw materials. It helps in waste reduction and increases fuel economy. (page 27; Whitepaper) 1 p.

8. The significance of project’s R&D activities in the market context.

Is given- the usage of NAFEN™ improves mechanical properties: it increases the high- temperature resistance and is cost-effective due to simple implementation technology. Promising markets that may profit from collaboration: Plastics, Concretes, 3D printing, and Catalysts.(page 28 Whitepaper) 1 p.

Total sum of points: 16/16.

RATING: 10/10

Analysis from: 28/08/18



ICO busters

We are a group of young people, with various interests and different education backgrounds, that focuses on analyzing ICO projects in different aspects.